I'm two days into a new position (as a write this) at my old job and I'm already being stretched! Not only is my role different, but my relationships with coworkers are shifting, my responsibilities and accountability are different and boy oh boy, I'm working harder than ever before... and I already thought I worked hard!
So today at lunch, as I'm walking out, I remember I've forgotten something and quickly run back to my desk. It's like they smelled me open the door because before I could get to my desk, a ‘big boss’ pulls me into her office and shares that there are a few things that need managing before I could go to lunch. An hour and a half later, I'm peacefully seated, fed and still have a few minutes to spare. I found myself reviewing/praying on the day’s events thus far and like a bomb, it hit me: "To whom much is given, much is required."
Selah... I had to chew on that for a bit!
It not only applied to my current situation but I quickly realized it’s been an on-going lesson for these last few years of singleness. Except for a 3-month relationship earlier last year, I have been officially single for 5 years. (Ok, so maybe they haven’t been that few but with a lifetime ahead of me, I’m trying to pep-talk myself!) After a period of trying things my way, I knew I had to choose to either be all for God or all for the world as I wasn’t helping anyone by blurring the lines about following Christ.
What I’ve learned during this time of chasing after God as He pursues me has been priceless yet challenging. The three main takeaways have been:
1. I’m better when I pray: The more I time I spend in prayer, the better version of me I become. It’s really a simple equation: more of Him = less of me. I had to beg God to teach me to pray as I had a hard time staying n my knees for more than a few minutes. I ran out of requests and I hadn’t prioritized adoring and thanking Him for his daily mercies and blessings. I had to ask Him to give me a hunger and desire for His word as it was never interesting or alive to me. I had to ask Him to teach me how to truly worship in Spirit and in truth as singing and worshipping are totally different. And most importantly, I had to ask Him to deliver me from my sinful past! How could I move forward if my vices were constantly pulling me back?
Do you see the trend here? Asking HIM! He has it all even and yet He wants all of you! What a beautiful contradiction!
2. Every blessing comes with its trials. Have you heard the phrase “new level, new devil?” If you haven’t, now you have. Listen, when I tell you I fasted and prayed for this position, for more of God, and for Him to send my sweetheart… I went in! Then as has always been the case, and it took me a while to notice this, I’d grumble a bit about the challenges that came coupled with my answered prayer.
“I’m exhausted, Lord!” / “God, you’re asking me to do too much!” / “Where is He, Jesus?”
How can we grow without being tested? The lesson is learned in the journey; greatness is never GIVEN to you it is PULLED out of you. Ride the waves ladies, you’ll either drown or learn to float. But do you trust that God won’t let you drown, my dear?
‘God is in the process; in the mundane; in the accumulation of boring days.’ ~ Bishop T.D Jakes
3. I’m only as Holy as I am at home: The person I am with my family and friends is the real me. And so is the real you! If she doesn’t reflect Christ behind closed doors, what you do and say in church or around others in general can be negatively impacted by your inconsistency. Not only so, but God can’t stand it! (Rev. 3:15-16).
And regarding your singleness, you want to be a good wife? Let God show you YOU!. Then let Him work His magic in shaping and molding you to be more like Him.That’s how He’ll teach you how to love then to be loved so you don’t have to ever ask, “is he the one, Lord?” You’ll know him by his reflection of God’s word onto you… or the lack thereof!
Won’t you join me to “Seek Him first” ladies, as then and ONLY then, “can all these things be added unto you [and me?]” Matt. 6:33.
Grace and peace!
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