July 28, 2014

When the Question is Why?

A lot of the time I want answers from God. I want the when, where, how, what and most importantly I want the why. God leaves several promises for us in His word.  He even may share certain promises with us during our quiet time with Him. But often times, we feel as though, his promises aren't enough.  Especially when we don't immediately see the fruit or "proof" of the promises. 

Side Note: Why is it that we feel God needs to prove himself to us? I guess that's for another time.

Recently I was anxiously awaiting for a promise to be fulfilled.  As time continued I felt myself becoming more and more impatient.  Then these words came to mind, "Don't let your impatience cause you to doubt my promises." My initial thoughts were "Whoa! Alrighty then, my bad."

I was then led to the book of Job. As I sat there with my NIV life application Bible, in the commentary it said, "It is better to know God than to know answers." I had to let that one sink in.

If you've read the book of Job, you know that Job experienced great trials.  In the midst of the trials, his friends tried to help but some may say they did more harm than good.

Really all Job wanted to know was why? Why am I suffering like this?  Sound familiar? Honestly, many of us should be able to relate to this.  Maybe your "why" sounds more like, Why am I not married yet Lord? Why did my parents have to be divorced? Why didn't I get that job? Why don't they like me? Why do I have kids yet? & etc....

Maybe you know the answer to your question or maybe you don't. But God never gave Job an answer for his simple question, "why?" Instead, starting in chapter 38, God asks Job a series of questions. He starts by saying, “Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.” Yikes! Heavy Gulp.

I encourage you to read Job ch. 38 for yourself but here are some examples of the questions God asked Job, “Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth? Tell me, if you know all this.” “Do you send the lightning bolts on their way? Do they report to you, ‘Here we are’?” Job 38: 18, 35

As I was reading this I was mentally saying “OOOOO, Kill ‘em” in my head as I imagined God saying all this with a don’t worry I’ll wait face as Job stands there speechless. But God is so patient with us I doubt it.  The fact that God even took time to say all these things demonstrates his love and care for Job, and you.

However, God never directly answered Job’s question. Instead, the point driven home was it’s better to know God than to know answers.  I agree with this.  What is knowing the answers going to do for you anyways? I rather know the One who knows all the answers instead.
Tierraney, is the founder of She is Set Apart. She currently teaches 3rd grade math and loves almost anything that comes in pink. She also serves as the Campus Coordinator for the Pinky Promise Movement. You can read her blog and watch her Youtube channel both titled, God's Little Footprints. You can also connect with her on twitter, tumblr, pinterest, and instagram.

She is Set Apart has teamed up with several other Christian Women Bloggers to host a giveaway where you can win a print of your choice from Arroway Designs. For more information on how to enter click here.


  1. This was an awesome post! I love when you wrote ""It is better to know God than to know answers." I needed to see that! I think it's also great you started this group and you're a 3rd grade teacher. I teach middle school myself! I will continue to come to your blog and you can check out mine in your free time. Ashleebee.weebly.com God bless you sister in Christ !

    1. Hi Ashlee! Thanks so much for stopping by. I checked out your blog & love it. I'm so glad you found this post helpful. Have a fantastic week! (:

  2. I'd have to agree with Ashlee! My goodness. There are soooo many "whys" that I have for my own life and this was an awesome post to help put those questions in check. Sometimes, I feel like if I were Job, I would be whining and asking why soooo much and feeling justified because of what I went through.Yet at the end of the day, it's much better to know God than to know answers. Thank you thank you for this! New reader, new fan here! :)
