July 28, 2014

When the Question is Why?

A lot of the time I want answers from God. I want the when, where, how, what and most importantly I want the why. God leaves several promises for us in His word.  He even may share certain promises with us during our quiet time with Him. But often times, we feel as though, his promises aren't enough.  Especially when we don't immediately see the fruit or "proof" of the promises. 

Side Note: Why is it that we feel God needs to prove himself to us? I guess that's for another time.

Recently I was anxiously awaiting for a promise to be fulfilled.  As time continued I felt myself becoming more and more impatient.  Then these words came to mind, "Don't let your impatience cause you to doubt my promises." My initial thoughts were "Whoa! Alrighty then, my bad."

July 23, 2014

GIVEAWAY - Arroway Designs

She is Set Apart has partnered with some awesome Christian women bloggers to bring you this exciting giveaway from arroway designs!  Please check out their blogs by clicking their links below!

There will be one winner chosen to choose a free print from Arroway Designs by Megan.  All entries will be verified and the winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter. You can enter the giveaway by using the widget below. The giveaway closes on July 30th!

July 21, 2014

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT: S'ambrosia Wasike

I always knew I was different, set apart. I didn’t fit in with the other kids at school, and I didn’t really care to. All I wanted was God. Now that may sound overly religious to some of you, but it was my reality… at least I thought it was.

At the age of 4, a major crush on the Italian heartthrob known as Carman and fervent prayers that he come to my hometown in Kansas brought me to the day when God answered my prayers and I accepted Jesus as Lord of my life. Under the tutelage of my mother, I grew in the knowledge of God and began to excel in biblical studies. Throughout my teenage years I engaged with the Lord often through dance and song and spent hours beside the lake just soaking in His goodness.

July 14, 2014

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT: Lauren Ashley Gilmore

Goodness me! What an honor to be asked to share "my story". The Lord is still writing, editing, highlighting, tweaking and refining this story, but I'm pleased to be asked to share it. It's perfectly imperfect and any glint of lovely was placed by His hand.

So here goes... I was born into a Pastor's home in the Deep South some 20 odd years ago. I was home schooled, christian schooled and public schooled all by the time I turned 8. My parents truly set Godly examples of what it means to "walk the walk" not just "talk the talk". Something I didn't learn until much later in life (but more about that soon). My Dad always told me "Your walk talks, and your talk talks , but your walk talks louder than your talk talks". He's the master of turning a life lesson into a catchy phrase.

July 7, 2014

Brown Girl, Green Lifestyle

I first experienced weight related issues beginning in the fall of 1999. At that time I was a rather cute and chubby little girl transitioning from pre-k to kindergarten. Prior to beginning kindergarten I had not been drastically overweight. I possessed what most people would have labeled baby fat, pudge in my cheeks and belly that may have disappeared as I grew taller. However, the summer before school started I gained a significant amount of weight, most likely do to over indulgence and little physical exercise.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved to go outside and play. I spent many summer days tramping around my grandparents five-acre wooded property: making mud pies, riding my tricycle, and having fabulous adventures in my blow-up pool. But the child’s play I partook in could not compensate for my love of southern delicacies (such as fried chicken, peach cobbler, and gumbo), and my ever increasing waistline.

I was usually allowed to when and what I desired, but the price I paid was the sum total of social out casting among my peers and the resulting mental and emotional torment.

July 1, 2014

GIVEAWAY - Spoken For Book!

We are very excited to host our first ever She is Set Apart Giveaway!  For this giveaway we will be giving away not one but two copies of the book Spoken For by Alyssa Bethke and Robin Jones Gunn.  

As our founder shared in her story the stories Alyssa shared in this book helped her to see how she was Set Apart and ultimately led her to start She is Set Apart.  This book encourages all women to fill themselves up with the truths found in God's word and not the messages of the world.  It also helps women base their identity in Christ and nothing else by embracing who and whose they are.

 The winner will be announced on our social media accounts (Twitter, IG, and Facebook) on July 14th(Our founders birthday).  God loves you and so do we!


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