October 6, 2014

Single & Focused on Eternity

Life is not a waiting room for marriage so why do we act like it?

Most of us know the great commission: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Matthew 28:19-20 This is what life as a Christian should be about. Unfortunately some women's obsession over their desire to be married has caused them to forget this.

No where in that scripture does it say only when you get married go & make disciples. Nope. We can go & make disciples right now as a single woman being led by God. But who can honestly say that as a single they've been doing this? 

Many of you can't say you have been living out the great commission because you've been too busy trying to "wake Adam up." I can raise my hand & say at one point I've fallen into this trap as well. This is why I'm so passionate about helping other women get back up. Enough is enough. We've got to stop being ladies in waiting who are living life on pause without purpose because Adam is still sleep. 

I'm convinced that this is a problem and nothing more than a distraction from Satan. We need to get back focused on the true purpose of why we were created & still on this Earth. To make disciples not to become a wife. I'm sure marriage is a whole other beautiful season of purpose but the reality is that is not currently our season.

With that said, this community does not exist to develop a bunch of independent "I don't need a man," anti-marriage women. However, it's important to realize that marriage is not guaranteed for everyone.

This is why She is Set Apart exists to get single women back focused on their true purpose as outlined in Matthew 28. We want them to see that they don't need to waste the single season of their life. We've got to live life with a sense of urgency and purpose. We can no longer afford to waste time waiting for Boaz. Boaz might never come but Christ is. Yes, Christ is coming back soon and he has an important role for you to play right now as a single woman.

At She is Set Apart we desire to see all women with eternity focused minds.  Women with a mind set on the things above: building God's kingdom. Not on the things of this earth: getting a ring & a new last name. Let's get focused on eternity.

"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God" Colossians 3:1-3

What other topics would you like us to write about in the Set Apart Singles Column? Submit your suggestions by clicking here.

Check out our previous post in the Set Apart Singles Column titled, Through Every Season of the Soul.

Tierraney, is the founder of She is Set Apart. She currently teaches 3rd grade math and loves almost anything that comes in pink. She also serves as the Group Coordinator for the Non-Profit Organization Pinky Promise Movement. You can read her blog and watch her Youtube channel both titled, God's Little Footprints. You can also connect with her on twittertumblrpinterest, and instagram.

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