September 15, 2014

Eve's Issues | Part 2

Eve’s Guilt Trip

This second installment of the Eve Series won’t be as extensive as the first. Rather, it will make you think and God-willing encourage you!

As a female, has anybody tried to make you feel guilty for Eve’s actions in the Garden of Eden? Has a male, specifically, tried to use her actions to guilt trip you? This happens to me all of the time as a young woman of God. And to be 100% honest, I don’t always know what to say.

What I do know is that it took two to commit the sin. Yes, Eve initiated and gave it to Adam, but did Adam, as the “leader”, have to listen to her? To me, personally, I think it was both Adam and Eve’s fault. So how does this affect us ladies in 2014?

Well, during my research and time with God, I’ve come across various scripture and articles that speak down on woman due to Eve’s actions. For example, 2 Timothy 2:11-14 states, Don’t let women take over and tell the men what to do. They should study to be quiet and obedient along with everyone else. Adam was made first, then Eve; woman was deceived first—our pioneer in sin!—with Adam right on her heels”.  Harsh right? I thought so too. Just as people have their opinion these days, people surely and their opinion in the Bible.

I’d just like to encourage you all to not allow ANYBODY to look down on you for being female. Remember that Jesus came and died for all sin, including Eve’s. He is our redemption song as we graciously dance through life. In addition, the above scripture continues by saying, “On the other hand, her childbearing brought about salvation, reversing Eve”. Do you all realize how much power you have as a female!? It was a female who birthed salvation into this world, “reversing Eve”. So people can go on and on about how Eve brought sin into this world, yet a female brought THEM into the world. Don’t let it get to your head.

I recently started to let it get to my head and I had to consult God about it. That’s when I fell upon this poem done by the amazingly anointed poets and newly weds Jackie Hill-Perry and Preston Perry at P4CM’s  (Passion 4 Christ Movement) latest event called Rhetoric. They recite a poem as Adam and Eve. Check it out here.  Now that you’ve watched it, what do you think? Please take time to share your thoughts below. 

Eve's Issues | Part 3 will be coming soon. Make sure to subscribe via bloglovin to receive notice when it is published.

Gabrielle Hilaire was born and raised in Queens, New York. She gave her life to Christ at the age of 15, and has dedicated her time to ministry since then. While dancing professionally, maintaining a Christian blog, and recently graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Arts Management, she hopes to spread Light and Love wherever she may go. Her tag, #AG2G, appropriately means “All Glory To God

1 comment:

  1. This could not be more true! Actually, your insights here is why the Catholic church calls Mary the "new Eve." I absolutely LOVE the parallels between them. Eve ate the fruit of the tree...Mary birthed the FRUIT of her womb who died for salvation ON a TREE. Oooh I think you've inspired my next blog post xD. I'll be sure to mention you! (It has a small little following; however, I simply write and figure whoever is supposed to read it will. :)

    Thank you for this post!
