September 15, 2014

Set Apart Spotlight: Victoria Olaniyan

 A while back, I went through a season of feeling alone and constantly feeling that I needed more because something was missing.  There was emptiness in me but I felt like I couldn't talk to anyone about it. I would pray and read my Bible and I'd still feel better but very soon after, I'd go back to square one.

While praying one day, I felt God ask me what exactly it was I wanted, however I didn't really pay attention to it. I carried on like this for a while, still smiling, socializing and putting on my "all is well" mask at church meetings. I kept on filling my days with mundane and unnecessary tasks.  Then one day I came across a song by The Planetshakers called 'Healer', I immediately connected with the song and God started speaking to me through it.

"I believe You're my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need"

Then a couple of nights later, at around 2:00 am, I felt God ask me again : "What do you want?" His voice interrupted all my thoughts. I told God what I wanted and immediately He asked me "Why". I began to list numerous reasons which were seemingly logical to me but by the time I said them aloud, it was a totally different story.

I realized that all I thought I could get from that thing was everything that God was already offering me. I just chose to ignore.

God made me to realize that night that, no matter what we think the solution is to our problems, If it's not God, it's not a solution!

Our own self devised solutions are just quick fixes. It's like a hole in the ground, covered with a rug, people may not see, you may not see it and if you leave it long enough you may even start to forget its there until you end up falling into the hole. However we could have avoided this fall, if we simply asked for help to fill up the hole.

When we feel like there is a hole in our lives, we shouldn't attempt to cover them up with rugs. A rug could be an unhealthy relationship, friends, family, food, television, lust, sex, lust, pornography or anger. We try and satisfy ourselves with all these things, when Jesus is the only one that can fill this hole and make us whole. He can remove this emptiness and fill us up with His love, hope, peace and joy.

All these worldly things come and go, but He is the only constant! He never fails. He never gets tired. We can never bore Him.

He is not a quick fix, He is an eternal solution.

When you feel alone and weary, that is God's way of drawing you back to Him. He wants all of you not just parts of you. All that time I was feeling alone was because God was trying to tell me that my attention was drifting. He wanted me to focus on Him completely, with no distractions. He wanted me to realize that He is more than enough for me. God was telling me that I have been set apart and the things of the world can no longer satisfy.

So family, stop covering up the hole, fill it with Jesus. He is the only solution.

Victoria is a 20 year old University student based in the UK. She is the leader of a campus fellowship and loves to sing, teach and write. She struggled to believe God loved her for many years and now I runs a ministry called ChosenbyHim which reminds and teaches people that God loves and has a plan for them and has chosen them to be part of His family. You email her and find her on instagram and facebook.


  1. God bless you Victoria for sharing this.
    There's always a hole in us, and what it needs to be filled is our spirit connecting with God's quick fix can do that for us.

    1. Amen Frances! Thank you so much for stopping by the site (:
