So I started the year 2016 with these two phrases upper most in my heart – GET INVOLVED. I purposed in my heart that I was going to stretch myself more in advancing the kingdom of God and seeing the will of God being done in my home, workplace, community and my nation at large.
How does this tie in with our period of singleness? It is very obvious. Taking a look at 1st Corinthians 7 where Apostle Paul was giving an exhortation on marriage and singleness, we can see that this is a period where as singles we should be concerned about doing all that we can to advance the agenda of God here on the earth.
In my own life, I am becoming more and more fulfilled as I realize that every single day that I spend here on the earth is contributing towards something eternal and glorious. While I do not have everything all figured out, it is calming and peaceful to know that God Himself is in charge and in control.
With the Spirit of God teaching me and showing me new things every day, I am learning how to add value to the eternal kingdom of God.
I am going to list some very practical ways of getting involved in advancing the will and the agenda of God here on the earth;
1. Praying for the establishment of the kingdom of God in the hearts of men: This is so important and life changing. Imagine if every Christian decided to take a stand for righteousness in our workplaces, schools and in all areas of government. This will begin to fan the flame of revival in the hearts of men.
2. Reaching out to the lost within our sphere of influence: Because we have taken a stand for Jesus Christ, the Spirit of Christ is already in us and we can begin to become the Jesus around the lost for the whole world to see.
3. Being a light in this dark world: Following the example of Jesus Christ, we become a light in this dark world. When we boldly proclaim the kingship of Jesus Christ over all the affairs of this world, our light truly begins to shine and we begin to lead others to the eternal and everlasting Light who is Jesus Christ.

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