August 28, 2016

Becoming Content in Your Season of Singleness

For a long time I felt like I needed to be in a relationship to feel secure about my future. My heart was anxious. I wanted to lock down my future husband so there would be no doubt that I would get married. But, after my most recent break up I didn’t want to be sad. I prayed and prayed to God to help me get through this. The more I prayed the more confidence I gained and the more confident I became the more content I was. I know that God has someone for me but right now is a season of singleness and I am okay with that.

In 1st Timothy 6:7-8 it says “After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.” This verse really helped me realize that I don’t need a boyfriend/fiancĂ©/husband to be fulfilled. I only need Jesus. He is everything I need. Nothing in this world will satisfy me as much as the Lord will.

I don’t know about you but I definitely heard those words over and over again especially growing up in the church. But when I started to speak those words over my life I actually started to believe them. Something amazing happens when you honestly start to believe the promises God has given to you. Then once you apply it to your life, trust me, you will be awe-struck. It really is amazing how God can overwhelm you with a sense of peace and contentment.  

So if I had to give you one tip on how to become content in your singleness it would be prayer. Pray hard, pray often, pray intentionally. There truly is power in prayer. The future is scary, the unknown is scary, but there is peace in God’s presence.

Know who you are in God and be confident in that. Like I said before the more confidence you have the more content you become. I know from personal experience that becoming content is a long and difficult process. But I also know from personal experience that it can and will come. Once you dive fully into the presence of the Lord nothing can stop you from living out the promises God has given you. If you ever get discouraged just pray. It can be the most simple prayer. It can last 5 seconds, 5 minutes, or 5 hours. As long as you pray you are connecting with the Lord. Things can get confusing and frustrating at times but cling tight to the truth and you will get through it.

A key part of becoming content is also knowing your identity in Christ. Know that you are loved. Know that you are a daughter of the KING. Know wholeheartedly that you are who Christ lives in. I hope this has been encouraging for you in your walk with the Lord and I pray that you all find the contentment in this season God has given to us.

Tori is a 23 year old daughter of the King living in Kennewick Washington. When she’s not blogging and connecting with her friends she spends her time at work as a Travel Agent. Website

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