August 7, 2016

Fun Things to Do While Single!

Photo Credit: Miss Tierraney from
For todays blog we asked ladies in all seasons of life some fun things they liked to do while single. I hope that this post will encourage you to maximize your single season and enjoy every minute of it.

"One fun thing I like doing as a single is getting dressed up and going to my favorite coffee shop, getting something to eat and either sit and read or write in my journal or go walking at the farmers market. I think it's incredibly important to spend time alone learning to be content as a single without having to have lots of people around to make you happy." - Kristen Neumann | Blog

"I think that one fun thing to do while single is to have dates with yourself. I call it me time . For the me time I spend with myself I can be in the Word of God but it won't be in room. I like to take myself out." Not many women do that and it is unfortunate. You must be able to live with yourself. A lot of ladies cannot even stay alone for five minutes but you must learn to do it. Remember this man will occupy your life for the rest of your life.

During my me time, I go for a walk, or to the beach, or the movies, the restaurant, I just go on a date with myself. It may seem strange to you, but this is the key that has not only improved my relationship with God but also with myself. 

I used to not like myself, but as I had me time and talk to God about it, He changed me. You may say where is the fun in it. Well, it will be fun very fun if you are really close to the Holy Spirit.

I can tell you sometimes I found myself laughing and people think I am crazy but the thing is at that moment as I looked at the ocean, God pointed something in my life that I did not even realize and told me that this is bad or He reminds me the times when I have been into a 'humble situation' and those memories make me laugh.

I go to the movies during my me time, I can also go to the hair salon to get a beauty treatment face. Those things we will not have it as much as we would wish during marriage so I am enjoying it while I am single.

God taught me how to spend me time with myself. Once married, your girls wont be there always nor your husband, so learn to have fun with yourself and create your me time." - Celeste Joy Ondo | Blog

"When I was single, the best part about being single was the time I had to invest into other friends. Since dating, that available time has gotten smaller. It is hard to invest into so many relationships during busy life stages. As a grad student, I have school and work and now a boyfriend. I loved the days where I could spend every hour with different friends all weekend, disciplining and mentoring others and then having other women pour into my life. It was a beautiful picture of gospel friendship. I believe I can still have that now, but it looks a lot different." - Joy Pedrow | Blog

"I'm a suckered for the simple things! I barely get home at a decent hour so scheduling a date night with my Bible and worship music = quite the treat!!! Whether I cook or not, I see the table for myself, pull out the fancy cutlery and glassware and enjoy myself. It doesn't have to be a grandiose experience for it to be meaningful or powerful. Picturing God sitting across for me makes for the best dinner conversation. Try it!" - Bernadette Muinga | Blog

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