July 27, 2015

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT ft. Chioma Anyanwu

Before I used to think that being single was something to be ashamed of. I felt that I was permanently stamped with an unwanted sign and that my worth was measured by what others thought of me. I believed being single was not something to celebrate or be spoken about. If you were single and in conversation about singleness, it wasn't enough to just say "I'm single" it had to be followed by "Oh actually there is this guy that I like..." As soon as I said that, people were interested in me and what I had to say. God forbid you would just say that you were just single as people would automatically think "What is wrong with her?"

I went to an all girls school and I felt all kinds of pressure coming from my peers who already had boyfriends and we having pre-marital sex. I just didn't understand why nobody wanted me. I remember a girl saying to me that if you want to be noticed you have to make yourself available, really available. How you dress, how you talk, how you

July 20, 2015

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT ft. Aurelie Mukendi

I was never truly aware of how beautiful the season of singleness is, until I was in a relationship. I fell in love, right guy at the wrong time and not at all how God wanted it to happen.  I went through with it partly because I was young but mostly because I was broken. Broken girls like me grew up watching Disney fairytales, meeting Prince Charming is something we look forward to.  Someone to rescue us from all the pain we’ve endured, someone to laugh at our horrible jokes, someone who will accept and love our families and hopefully he loves dogs too...that’s how it goes right? The longer I remained in that relationship, the louder I could hear God telling me that I had awakened love before it was time. I had pulled myself away from His plan for my life and stepped into a season, where His word had told me to wait. I sought rescue in man and the wounds that I hadn’t yet allowed God full access to, were destroying not only me but a man who till this day, I will always love and cherish.

July 13, 2015

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT ft. Kaye Olivar

I used to sit inside my high school gym watching students practice for a wrestling match. It’s not like the WWE we see on TV where they’re situated inside a ring, where there are no rules and chairs are being thrown out of nowhere. WWE is just an illusion that I believed was true when I was growing up. But the wrestlers I watched at school used their bodies to put down their opponents or to get them out of the drawn circle. It looked simple, but the sport required great strength, endurance and a willful mind.
Jacob wrestled with the angles for the blessing he was praying for and he didn’t stop until God decided to bless Him. Waiting on God and His promises can sometimes feel like we’re being wrestled, not by Him but by ourselves. Oswald Chambers said we are not to wrestle with God, but with things in front of God.