April 17, 2016

The Journey of Singleness

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

The struggle, we as single women face so often, is the picture we have embedded in our heads of how our lives are supposed to be. If that snapshot in your dream-scrapbook includes a handsome hubby by your side, you’re probably wondering about now where he is. Yeah, I thought he’d be here by now. Plenty of other godly, single women are thinking the same thing. I included... But my heart breaks, for the many women I have met over the years, who have settled for less than their God-given best and gave in on the journey of waiting. 

Women who didn’t believe that they were worth the fight and incredibly amazing...I am saddened by how easy it is, for us women to give our hearts away, sometimes to the most undeserving of men. Women will only begin to be choosy, when they believe that they are worth choosing. When we begin to believe we are treasures worth finding our mindsets, instantly begin to change. 

Choosing to wait for our future spouses' goes beyond a boundary, it goes beyond any rules. It is overflowing in love, purity, and true desires. I choose to wait, for whoever God has for me because, I believe that this season of waiting will help mold me into the Woman of God, He has called me to be. 

I think part of our problem as single Christian women lies in, the fear of unconditionally trusting God. Deep down, we want to fully trust Him, but we wonder if we truly can. We wonder if He knows us, as well, as we think we know ourselves. 

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;" Proverbs 3:5

I believe waiting will teach each of us to trust God with everything...Even if it is our 'love lives'. Keeping in mind, that God isn’t keeping that wonderful man from you. Nor has He forgotten that you’re still waiting. You don’t have to begin investing all your energy looking just right, or being in the right place, at the right time to find God’s match for you. 

Instead, our energies are better spent pursuing our Heavenly Father. Becoming Women, who will recognize God’s perfect match. God created each of us with one sole purpose of knowing Him and making Him known. 

Our singleness is God’s perfect place to thrive. Remember, you don’t have to wait for your "knight-in-shining-armor" to start living. 
You can know the Lord fully and serve Him wholly right here, right now. The purpose I believe, in our singleness is to take every day and glorify Jesus in everything we do. 

It is an incredible opportunity to be able to spend hours with God in prayer, in fasting, and in worship. It is an opportunity to let our lives, be true living sacrifices. My desire for my life is to always be a reminder to the world, that singleness does not mean you're “stuck”. 

Waiting, is an opportunity for God to purify and perfect His will in our lives. The longer we wait, the more time we can invest in becoming more Christ-like, as Single Ladies. 

Every day is an opportunity to be refined in God's fiery love. 
Every day is an opportunity to say yes to love and no to fear.
Every day is an opportunity to open locked doors in our hearts and to discover hidden talents and desires. 
Every day is an opportunity to go deeper in God's love. 

When we begin looking at this season of waiting, as an opportunity to be purified and refined for a possible spouse, it most definitely becomes so much more of a grand adventure! Instead of dreading each new day, wondering if every person we see is “the one." We can start living right now, and we now can choose to see the beauty in each and every day, knowing that it is shaping us to be, whom He called us to be. First and foremost a Lover of our Heavenly Father. 

 The journey to one day becoming a Wife, starts now. Today matters. How we respond to the things of today, will determine how our tomorrow goes. Though the Battle may get tough... Seek your strength from prayer. Be open, and trustworthy, and live in full communion, with our Heavenly Father. Love waits...patiently. 

We all have a choice in how we can live your lives. Looking forward to what God has for us today and every day to come, or impatiently waiting for the day we will meet "the one" and possibly missing out on God-ordained opportunities. 

As much as we desperately want to plan out our picture-perfect lives...we unfortunately can't, but on the brighter side of that, Life always has a way of surprising us with unexpected things that will be even happier than we originally planned.

In conclusion ...Dear Sweet Single Sisters, 
Never be ashamed of your Singleness! Just because you're the only girl, you know who isn't dating, doesn't mean you aren't worth waiting for...There is a man out there waiting just as patiently as you are, you just have to TRUST God! Never forget, that YOU are worth the wait!

Kerrington Sweeney is the President and Founder of Uniquely Yours Ministries, a ministry dedicated to challenging, equipping and encouraging women. She is truly an Ambassador of Jesus Christ. She has a sincere burning desire within her, to see women rise up and be everything God has truly called each of them to be. She carries a mantle of community and walks with divine purpose to empower and compel women of faith. Kerrington, feel’s God’s ‘call’ to embark on the journey of a lifestyle fully committed to ministry and the expansion of God’s Kingdom. Instagram

1 comment:

  1. This was so beautiful and so timely for me, plus it included my absolute favorite verse that I fall back on all of the time. I know so many of these blog posts are about singleness but come on, we really need each and every one of them! Thanks for reminding and encouraging us. Blessings to all my sisters out there, youre all in my prayers
