April 3, 2016

Never Been Kissed

Life never turned out the way I imagine it would. I am 21, a sophomore in college, have never had a boyfriend, never been on a date, and definitely never been kissed! About 85% of my friends are either in relationships, or married. Because of this, jealousy, insecurity, hatred, and low self-esteem have built up in my heart.
I have always been that girl that never gets any attention from guys, and I wanted to get noticed by them. I wanted them to know that I existed. I did not love myself. I did not accept the fact that was I fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God (Psalm 139:14).
I was afraid to look in the mirror because in my mind I was not beautiful. I compared myself to other girls at my school, magazines, and television, and in my mind they were more beautiful than me. When it came to my own definition of beauty I only looked on the outside. I wanted to have what my friends had, that girls on television had, and I wanted to have a boyfriend! While I had dream and imagine about finding “the one,” I never thought that I needed to prepare myself to be “the one.”

Psalms 37:4 says, “delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” I certainly did not delight myself in the Lord throughout high school and my first year of college, I delighted myself in what I wanted and what I thought was “good for me.” I had forgotten that God does have a plan for my life. I wanted things and I wanted them now.
I had let myself believe that I was not good enough because boys were not texting me or asking me on dates, I never thought that God was protecting me by not letting me get in relationships. There were nights where I would get lonely and instead of turning to God, the One who knows it all, I turned to the internet and what it had to offer.
Over the summer I went on 10 weeks discipleship program with a campus ministry from my school and that is where and when I was truly convicted of my sins, I got a better understanding of the cross and what Jesus really did for me. That is where I found my identity, which is in Christ Jesus and not in a relationship. Being single does not mean that I am less beautiful than those girls who are in relationships or married. Now, to me, it simply means that I am content enough where I am to wait on God to allow the right guy to enter my life.
You see, I have been wanting to be in a relationship for the wrong reasons; because I get lonely or depressed, because I wanted someone there to tell me that I am beautiful, to show off, or to feed my insecurities. I wanted a boyfriend to make me feel good.
I was not satisfied in the love of God and what He had done for me and all that He continues to do. I was not on fire for Christ, my life and my thoughts did not reflect him...until the fall semester of this school year. I have truly let God intervene my life and have truly accepted the love of Christ. I am striving to be satisfied in Christ and in Christ only.
Do I still want to find a nice, godly guy and get married and have a family of my own, yes I do, but it is not up to me, it is all up to God and His timing because he does have a plan for my life. I also have accepted the fact that I may never get married, but that does not mean God loves me any less than my friends who are in relationships or married.
So, in the meantime of waiting: I am sharing the gospel with girls in my dorm, having compassion for the lost sinners, studying more about Christ, celebrating with my friends who are engaged (which is 3 of them this month, so far….) I am celebrating being single, and--most importantly--falling in love with Jesus more and more every day and striving to be more like Him!

Miki Noah-Wilson is a Haitian born, lover of Chinese food and sunflowers. Miki was adopted when she was 12 and has been in America for 8 years now. She currently is a sociology major at Tennessee Tech University and her favorite animal is elephants. Instagram


  1. This is beautiful! Kudos to you. It is SO important to find our worth in Christ. He is the only one that doesn't change so His opinion of us remains constant. I know this a truth I've needed time and time again. I needed to know that I am more than how I look or what I have. I am valuable because Jesus said so! Keep up the good work dear :)



  2. This post was really inspiring because it's the story of my life. It lets me know that I am not alone, so I thank you for sharing your story.
