April 10, 2016

Wait Well

Photo Credit: ArielleEstoria.com
That was the resounding message in my heart as I roamed John F. Kennedy Airport in NYC for the 5th hour in a row. Being raised by a military dad meant that I arrived there more than 3 hours early for my flight. Then came the bombshell that the flight was delayed by 3 hours. Then, *drum roll please* ...it was delayed by yet another hour. This was definitely not the kind of day I was looking forward to, especially since I had a 14 hour flight, a layover, and another 5 hour flight thereafter to get to my homeland, Kenya. I’m tired all over again just thinking about it and the trip happened over a month ago!
In the midst of it all, I couldn’t help but notice the uncanny parallel between my life and those delays. Better yet, my RESPONSE to those delays. Oh, the sweet sting of conviction as the Holy Spirit floods you with memories of past prayers for patience and deepened trust.
Welp! Here was the moment to practice patience and to stand firm on the promise of Romans 8:28 that every single thing that happens in my life truly works out for my good. But what was I doing instead? Murmuring like the Israelites in the wilderness who didn't even know they were about a week away from their Promised Land! (That's a sermon by itself right there but let me move on).

On the practical end, what did my impatience, frustration and angst do? Ab-so-lut-ely nada! But did I end up catching my flight? Yes...
Did I make it to my final destination? Yes…
Did I enjoy myself back home so much that I forgot about those minor details of a delay? Yes!
Spiritually however, did this opportunity invite me to strengthen my faith? Yes. If God saw fit to allow the delay, who am I to question Him? Who knows what awful situations were avoided through the delay? Who knows what blessings came out of the delays? And who is to say that the short prayer for God to intervene in the situation no matter what was happening didn't play a major role in the medical emergency that caused the delay? I will never know!
You will never know either what blessings or curses have been gained or avoided in this season through your patience or lack thereof. All I can assure you is that God knows. He totally knows and He’s in control! It will all work out in your favor and you will still reach your desired destination and forget about the agony, loneliness, frustration and whatever else you’re going through right now.
I know, I know. Promises of tomorrow don't always soothe the heartaches of today. Aren't I waiting with you, sis? Don't you think I go through what you go through? But, the word is a “lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path (Psalm 119:105).” So if the word says to “trust in the Lord and lean not to [my] own understanding… (Proverbs 3:5),” what else ought I to do? What else ought YOU to do too? I’m glad you asked!
And wait well, my dear.

What other scriptures offer you comfort when your flesh acts up like mine?

 Bernadette prefers to be called Bernie. She is Kenyan born but currently lives in NYC.  She describes herself as a praise and worshipper in love with Jesus with a heart after God’s own. She is also a local and international missionary telling others and learning more about Christ wherever she goes. Lastly, She is a Licensed Social Worker specializing in Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sis, this totally helped me. Albeit, my patience is short, I know God is control and handling it all on my behalf. It would behoove me to be still and let God! Thanks sis!!

    1. Yes, He's so in control and doesn't need our help. I pray that we both continue to surrender and trust Him deeper because He can definitely do a better job than we can!

  3. Replies
    1. Oh dear, so true! The blessings and breakthroughs are found in the journey...
