June 9, 2014


Hello and Welcome to She is Set Apart! Tierraney was given the vision for She is Set Apart on May 25, 2014.  God used her past of her life of singleness which made her question why she was un-wanted, un-loved, and un-cherished to help her realize that those were simply lies from the enemy. 

Through the message of other Christian women[Heather Lindsey and Alyssa Bethke] she came to understand who and whose she was.  She came into the knowledge of truth that she was so wanted, so loved, and so cherished by Christ that He had her hidden. He protected her from the trap of years wasted on meaningless relationships that many women experience. Instead of allowing her to conform, He set her apart.

At the age of 22 she realized that many women were still in bondage to the lies that once held her captive and she felt motivated to do something about it.  She is set apart was created to liberate other women and encourage them to share their stories on how they are set apart.  There’s no need to live in shame or fear of not being accepted by society.  Everyone has a story and this is the place where you can boldly and un-ashamed share yours.

Share your story with us so we can share it with others.  Simply Email us at SheisSetApart@gmail.com

We are currently looking for other women interested in helping with this organization.  To view volunteer opportunities please click here.

Thank you for visiting and we hope that you will share She is Set Apart with other women.

"Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2

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