June 30, 2014

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT: Caitlin Williams

My story started as a little girl. I have been going to church all my life and was baptized at the age of eleven. Unfortunately, I never knew really how to have a relationship with Christ. I spent all of my junior high and high school years feeling like I was inadequate.  I allowed the words of others to control me. 

It wasn't until my senior year of high school that I got so tired of dealing with the sadness and decided to call on God. That was the best decision ever but my fight wasn't over yet. 

I headed to college with my new relationship with God but still wasn't fully invested in Him. My freshman year of college, I was so pressed for a relationship that I was the one pursuing the guys!
I definitely didn't now that the man was supposed to find me (LOL)! Not only was I desperate for a relationship but I was desperate for friendships so much that I allowed people to rule over me and almost ruin my life. That was when God saved me again! 

It is actually coming up on a year that this whole revival happened. Last summer I had just forfeited my spot on school's nursing program. I was heartbroken because I had worked so hard and was embarrassed that I allow that to happen to me! It was the best thing that could have happen because I then decided to fully live for God! I shortly found Heather Lindsey's ministry Pinky Promise. That filled my fire for God even more! 

I began connecting with those girls online and spending time with God everyday! The blessings just started to fall down on me! Even though I was so undeserving, God was still watching over me! I started school again last Fall and I got connected with the Pinky Promise girls and I read A Purpose Driven Live by Rick Warren. That book changed my life!! It really changed my view on life. 

It wasn't until the second day of 2014, that God revealed to me that I should start a blog or a website. That was a huge shock! I wasn't immediately obedient to God but I started the blog in March and it hasn't only been a blessing to others but it's been a blessing to me. Each day I wake up so amazed that God has chosen me to do this! I am proof that you can fall from grace but God will be save you each and every time!

Caitlin Williams is a 21 year old living in Florence, Alabama. She currently attends the University of North Alabama and is majoring in Elementary Education. She is a vessel being used by God and she is excited to make a difference in the lives of others. You can connect with Caitlin on twitter, instagram, and her blog where she currently has a Purity Prayer Challenge going on. Click here to email Caitlin.

If you connected in someway with Caitlin's story we would like to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.  Also now that you've read Caitlin's story we would love to hear your story of how you are Set Apart! Click here for more information.

We are giving away two copies of the book Spoken For by Alyssa Joy Bethke and Robin Jones Gunn click here for details on how to enter our first ever special surprise giveaway! You do not want to miss out.

1 comment:

  1. All Praises to Father, Mother, Savior, and Angels - I AM!
    The medical field is prevalent. I AM, familiar with the background.
    There are many "Heavenly" gifts in sons and daughters.
    I would like to ask?
    How is your "Prayer" life?
    It is important for "Daughters of Zion" to be spiritually strong!
    Not monetarily, alone!
    I AM THAT I AM... missing this compliment.
    Tell me.
    Judah True Ysreal- AHYH - I AM
    King James 1611 w Apocrypha
    1Cor. 11: 10 -
    "For this cause ought the WOMAN to have POWER on her HEAD, because of the ANGELS."
