June 29, 2015

Hey Single Woman Who Lied to You?

I'm a woman who has been single for 23 going on 24 years of my life. In case you didn't know my birthday is next month and I'll be 24. So every year of my existence I've been single.

It's amazing to me that I'm even able to say this and put this on the internet for the world to see. Because for 98% of my time being single I would have never confessed to that. Out of fear of what others would think I would have never said how I've been single my entire life and never been in a relationship.

I was afraid that others would think something was wrong with me mainly because I thought something must be wrong with me. I mean come on all my life and not one relationship. Something's wrong, right? Wrong!

This my sisters is nothing more than another lie of the enemy. Satan wants us as single women to believe something is wrong with us. Because if we are so busy thinking something is wrong with us then we will be distracted. Too distracted to focus on the purpose of why we are here on earth which is to fulfill the great commission and make disciples of all nations.