June 30, 2014

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT: Caitlin Williams

My story started as a little girl. I have been going to church all my life and was baptized at the age of eleven. Unfortunately, I never knew really how to have a relationship with Christ. I spent all of my junior high and high school years feeling like I was inadequate.  I allowed the words of others to control me. 

It wasn't until my senior year of high school that I got so tired of dealing with the sadness and decided to call on God. That was the best decision ever but my fight wasn't over yet. 

I headed to college with my new relationship with God but still wasn't fully invested in Him. My freshman year of college, I was so pressed for a relationship that I was the one pursuing the guys!

June 23, 2014

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT: Ariel Richardson


I always start my testimony with before I was conceived.  All of my life the doctors told my mother that she would not be able to have children.  So when she became pregnant with me it was evident that the Lord saw fit for me to be here regardless of human thoughts.  Growing up the first five years of my life I really don’t remember but from looking through photos I would say I was a pretty happy child.  Starting kindergarten I was mean and violent, much so that I was expelled from my elementary school.  I believe this behavior was a mirror of what was actually going on in my home.  Around this age my mother and father filed for divorce and my father left my mother to raise my brother and me by herself.  This put a lot of pressure on my mother and this is when abuse started to happen.  Patience wasn’t present in our house thus as young children and even teenagers when my mother would lose patience it was brutal punishments, emotional and verbal damage.  So here I was during the most critical time of nurturing development left to find that somewhere else.

June 16, 2014

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT: Joy Pedrow

My story is a story of failure and redemption.

I tried to gain fulfillment on my own, and every time I was left searching. I was a happy person, and I had great friends and parents who loved me, but I just felt like there had so be something more. I tried to become the person I thought others would like, but nothing was enough.

Once I realized that my story was not about me, but was about Jesus, only then did I find satisfaction.

At the time, I did not know that God was calling me to be set apart from the world. I believe he had been calling me for a while, but I was to consumed in the world to notice. I was the queen and life was about me.

I was failing, yet Jesus kept pursuing me.

June 9, 2014


Hello and Welcome to She is Set Apart! Tierraney was given the vision for She is Set Apart on May 25, 2014.  God used her past of her life of singleness which made her question why she was un-wanted, un-loved, and un-cherished to help her realize that those were simply lies from the enemy. 

Through the message of other Christian women[Heather Lindsey and Alyssa Bethke] she came to understand who and whose she was.  She came into the knowledge of truth that she was so wanted, so loved, and so cherished by Christ that He had her hidden. He protected her from the trap of years wasted on meaningless relationships that many women experience. Instead of allowing her to conform, He set her apart.