“I can’t do this,” I said.
I’ve always hated that question. Hated how it forces me to
sort through my motivation when always the answer is just there at the ready.
I shook my head. “I don’t have a logical answer. I’m sorry,
I know that’s what you want.”
But how does one even begin to tell a man that he is too
safe, too comfortable, too secure? Isn’t that what any girl should want?
Several people have asked me if I would ever write a
follow-up book to Beyond Waiting. I guess that once people hear the details of
one’s singleness journey, they want to hear the happy ending. Personally, I
think an eventual follow-up containing my love story kind of defeats the
purpose (i.e. goes entirely against what I was trying to say in the original
If I were going to write a second book, I think I would call
it Beyond Reason, and it would be all about living a life that is not safe,
comfortable, or, well, reasonable. Because being fully abandoned to the call of
God on your life is anything but the aforementioned things.
Oh, we pretend that isn’t true. We go on shaping our
comfortable, familiar lives while saying, “God wants me to be happy. God wants
me to be safe.”
And while both those things are certainly true, God never
intended for us to go about the world’s way of achieving them.
The more I’ve contemplated life, the more I’ve realized that
it all boils down to this: Either God is real and He designed us for great and
glorious purposes, or this life is all there is and we should live it up.
So why are we holding back, clinging to the guise of
A few months after my illogical breakup, I was sitting in the
midst of a gathering at a missions organization, listening to young man
describe his recent trip to the Philippines. He paced the floors and bounced on
his heels, simply glowing in the light of his latest adventure. Then he began
to cry. He paused in his soliloquy just long enough to compose himself as he
detailed the devastation he had seen in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan.
And as I sat there, blinking back tears of my own, I had two
One: “Safe and Comfortable Guy would never…”
Two: “I want that.”
Every fiber in my being wanted to be the person who, like
this man, would answer the phone and say, “I’m in my truck right now. Where are
we going?”
I wanted to be the person who would drop everything… and go.
I wanted to be the person standing in the middle of the devastation with a
bullhorn saying, “I’m here because God loves you this much.”
I hope I will always be the person who clings loosely enough
to this world that people will take notice. I hope I will never settle for safe
and comfortable when there are great adventures to be had the world over. And I
hope, when God comes calling, you, too, won’t think to come up with a list of
excuses for why you can’t come over that day.
May you live Beyond Waiting, Beyond Reason, and Beyond
Anything You Ever Imagined Possible. (Yeah, still working on the third title.)
Awesome post Rebekah! Marriage isn't our ultimate or most highest calling - showing the love of God to those in need is! Thanks for this reminder that we don't serve a safe God but an AWE-some One!