August 18, 2014

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT: Dephne Madyara

There just had to be more for me... The clubbing, drinking and partying no longer fulfilled me, it just didn't suffice. My heart began to search for more, there had to be a greater joy, peace and fulfilment that is not found in things, substances or people. Would you believe me if I told that God began to speak to me before I knew Him? This is because He is an awesome God and He does what He wants and wills for all things were made through Him and for Him! 

My loss of interest began when I saw the Holy Spirit in a dream. My heart began to search for more...there just had to be more for me in this life. In a dream I was seated in a
building with my college friend and something caught my attention in the sky, it was a white dove, the way it flew was not by flapping wings but it seemed to just glide in the air. I remember my friend talking but I couldn't hear her as my entire focus was now on the dove Who looked like He was approaching the building. He went right through the open window to where we were seated and He had something in His mouth. He landed onto a desk in front of me and as if to beckon me He had a folded piece of paper that looked like a letter between His mouth. I took the paper and just as I was reading the dream fast forwarded and I was walking on a road going to a church.

When I woke up I didn't think anything of this dream. I didn't yet know The Lord nor understand the Holy Spirit and His representation in the Word. Not knowing that He was calling me home! It was time to go home! It is truly the Holy Spirit that draws us to Him not ourselves. 3/4 months after, on the 31st of December 2006, my now "future husband" invited me to a conference at KICC London for an all night prayer conference. 

It was my first conference. The atmosphere was very enthusiastic and joyous, It was inspiring. Then just before midnight the Pastor said if you haven't received a Jesus Christ as your personal Savior come to the front and we will for you. Something was urging me to go but me being a very shy girl back then I was afraid to walk on my own and said in my heart if someone walks me I will go

Just as I said this in my heart one of the ladies we had gone to this conference with said to me "I will walk with you to the front!" I was amazed! I know this day that it was God meeting my need, it was God urging me and wanting me to come to Him! So she walked with me and left me by the alter and then it happened I received a Jesus Christ just after midnight on 01/01/2007. This was the best day of my life! I will not forget how clean I felt, I felt so clean! My mind felt as if it had been rinsed out and polished! I can't describe the feeling it was amazing. I knew that I was now His. 

The conference needed shortly after and I remember making a call to my then best friend and she was not happy that I was saved but I didn't care. If God could take away my fear, pride and shyness by showing me mercy, then He will do the same for you. He didn't give up on me when I was afraid to walk up to the alter but made a way that no man can! What a caring God! Steadfast in love! 

My journey began with the King from that night. I don't know what I was getting into by accepting Jesus Christ, I thought it would be all roses but it was not. However, it has been and is the most amazing relationship! 

Through the seasonal pruning, the joys, the lessons and rewards... He is worth me...all of me. He has set us apart from the world for Himself to fulfill all that He has called us to do and be. All we need to do is be willing and obedient. Will you live the life he has called you to live? Are you be willing to be set apart for the King? 

My name is Dephne Madyara, Zimbabwean born. I'm an author and teacher of the Word, I also design and make clothes during my spare time. Find me on my website, instagram, twitter and read my blog.


  1. I came across your testimony 2 or 3 years ago. My life radically changed because you spoke. GOD IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE NOW and everytime I see your posts anywhere I'm glad I'm not alone

  2. I came across your testimony 2 or 3 years ago. My life radically changed because you spoke. GOD IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE NOW and everytime I see your posts anywhere I'm glad I'm not alone
