September 15, 2014

Set Apart Spotlight: Victoria Olaniyan

 A while back, I went through a season of feeling alone and constantly feeling that I needed more because something was missing.  There was emptiness in me but I felt like I couldn't talk to anyone about it. I would pray and read my Bible and I'd still feel better but very soon after, I'd go back to square one.

While praying one day, I felt God ask me what exactly it was I wanted, however I didn't really pay attention to it. I carried on like this for a while, still smiling, socializing and putting on my "all is well" mask at church meetings. I kept on filling my days with mundane and unnecessary tasks.  Then one day I came across a song by The Planetshakers called 'Healer', I immediately connected with the song and God started speaking to me through it.

"I believe You're my Healer
I believe You are all I need
I believe You're my Portion
I believe You're more than enough for me
Jesus You're all I need"

Eve's Issues | Part 2

Eve’s Guilt Trip

This second installment of the Eve Series won’t be as extensive as the first. Rather, it will make you think and God-willing encourage you!

As a female, has anybody tried to make you feel guilty for Eve’s actions in the Garden of Eden? Has a male, specifically, tried to use her actions to guilt trip you? This happens to me all of the time as a young woman of God. And to be 100% honest, I don’t always know what to say.

What I do know is that it took two to commit the sin. Yes, Eve initiated and gave it to Adam, but did Adam, as the “leader”, have to listen to her? To me, personally, I think it was both Adam and Eve’s fault. So how does this affect us ladies in 2014?

September 1, 2014

Through Every Season of the Soul

Shortly before I met my husband, I had the audacity to pray a prayer that went something like this:

“Lord, I think I’ve done about all the growing I can do as a single person, can you give me a husband to help me grow even more?”

Who prays prayers like that? Unfortunately, this girl.

It’s time to get bumped
As a young Christian champion for purity and self-worth, I truly thought I had it all together. When Paul says in 1 Corinthians that it’s better to be single than to be married because you can better devote yourself to God, I was the loudest person in the bandwagon shouting amen. During my single years I experienced some of the most intimate times I have ever had with the Lord. I used to go on dates with Jesus, have weekly devotions by the lake, dance to worship music in study halls for hours, and write tons of intimate worship/love songs.