June 12, 2016

Dear Grown Woman, Know Your Worth

Most growing women get the wrong impression of what 'being in a relationship' is. Is it social media? Or simply the upbringing? I can't tell but its very observable- most growing women want to be in a relationship for all the wrong reasons.
Going into a relationship, most young women fail to set objectives and most importantly, standards. They exhibit behaviours because "that's what is done in the movies" or "that's what my friend does in her own relationship". Please listen: Because it's in the movies or it's been exhibited by other people does not make it right!
One of the most beautiful qualities a growing woman can have is a mind of her own. Yes! You heard it right- have a mind of your own. You don't have to let your partner drag you both down and also, you don't have to feel like you're anyone's savior. Save yourself first.

One of my friends was once in a dysfunctional relationship. She pretty much did things because the magazine had told her "how to treat her man". And so that was her routine, doing things she thought she'd never do because she wanted to keep her man. She knew all that was wrong and I personally did not want to seem like a bad belle. One day she said "This is not what I deserve, this is wrong". She tries to make things better, she took out all the wrong things that she thought was love and slowly infused God in her relationship. And today? Peace of mind is what she has. No more wondering this or that! It's not yet the time or place! Give what belongs to Caesar to Caesar and that young man you're in a relationship with and giving all those 'marriage' benefits ain't Caesar!
The message I'm trying to pass across is this. You, you my dear deserves God and everything that comes with Him. Don't let someone else stand in the way of that.
You’re in a relationship? That's fine! Set your standard. Do the right things and God will bless you both more than you can imagine.
I won’t forget to add that God's hands are always open. Don't say "He won't want me back". He's not mad at you, he is in fact, waiting for you. Run to him and never look back!

Ifunanya Anumba is an undergraduate of Psychology. She is a realist. She runs a pro women blog where she writes beautifully. Popular is her "Beauty of a growing woman series" on her blog. She is a growing woman herself. Ifunanya is 18. A young girl with big dreams and taking it one day at a time. Blog 

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