November 10, 2014

A Season of Singleness

Autumn arrived with the changing of the leaves and a chill in the air. In Genesis, God used the seasons to show passages of time, one giving way to the other. Yet as we get older, we notice that there are some seasons in our life that go on longer than we’d like and with it comes an uneasiness in our hearts (more on that later).
This season for singleness doesn’t have to be a holding period for your life. I believe God has many wonderful things in mind for us:

Purpose – There are many women who feel like their purpose is to be a wife and a mother. Yet, what happens when those purposes feel frustrated?  Friend, can I tell you that your meaning and worth are not found on being a wife or a mother but a daughter of the Most High God. He created us with purpose and our season of singleness gives us the perfect opportunity to seek it out. We are able to serve our local churches and our communities, our families and friends with wholehearted focus.

Passion – Have you discovered your passion? That thing that makes your heart beat fast and sets fire to your soul? It took a while for me to figure it out but when I finally gave myself permission to call myself a writer and to encourage other young women in their singleness, God has opened up doors that I didn’t see coming (like writing this guest post!).  What does your passion look like? Is it teaching children Sunday school lessons and planting the seeds of God’s Word in their hearts at an early age? Is it feeding the homeless in your community? There is no better time to seek God for a passion you have yet to discover and the opportunities to make them happen.

Perspective – I’ve gone through dark valleys where I thought I was missing out on something by being single or that God was holding out on me. While I don’t know if my season of singleness will come to an end, I do know that how we look on it can make all the difference. Do you see your singleness as a blessing from God or as an uncontrollable frustration? In this season of singleness, check your heart on how you view singleness and ask God to change your perspective if you have grown tired of it. Read the ministry work of Jesus and Paul as single men as well as other Christian men and women to inspire you and exhort your weary hearts.

Praise – Praising God is not dependent on our circumstances but His character. He knows every desire of your heart, every whispered prayer, every longing look at Pinterest wedding and baby boards. But even if we stay single for the rest of our lives, isn’t He still worth praising? One of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn is that Jesus didn’t die to bring me a husband. He died to bring us into an intimate, fulfilling relationship with the Father.

“All of my life, in every season, you are still God. I have a reason to sing. I have a reason to worship.” Desert Song, Hillsong

All of these points, I’ve learned the hard way. I’ve forced God’s hand in the past only to regret it. I’ve cried out  asking Why? and When? While the answers may not have been ones I’ve wanted, I’ve learned that my desire for marriage and a family don’t go unheard. But honestly, I’ve started to wonder if getting married will ever happen. There’s a question that has been popping into my head more often lately, “Would you really be okay being single for the rest of your life?”  

After the initial mini freak-out in my head, I started to seriously consider the question. Would I really be okay with being single and is even considering that normal?   

            When you read the stories of God’s people, there’s really  not much that is considered normal – what is accepted by human minds limited by our five senses. Like Sarah, God addresses our doubts with “Is anything impossible for Me?”

We may not know when our time of singleness will give way to a season of marriage but like all seasons, they are appointed by our Heavenly Father.  In His wisdom and His love, He has blessed us with the gift of singleness and we have the privilege of enjoying it. Our hearts can find rest in His goodness and wait on Him knowing that He loves us more passionately and wholly than any husband could. Will you continue to trust God with your heart in this season of singleness? 

Liv Migenes writes at She is a single daughter serving - encouraging women of all ages in their singleness and identities in Christ. You can also follow her on Twitter and Pinterest


  1. One of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn is that Jesus didn’t die to bring me a husband. He died to bring us into an intimate, fulfilling relationship with the Father."...

    Now that..this is so true.God bless you for walking in purpose Liv.

  2. Indeed a woman's purpose goes beyond being a wife and a mother.God bless you for this post.was worth reading
