July 3, 2016

How to Deal With Your Daddy Issues In Singleness

This week we are sharing with you a video interview we did with Kia Stephens of Father Swap titled, Single Daughters and Silent Fathers.

Many women have grown up without a father present in their lives.  Even if he was around and you grew up with him he was not really active in your life and maybe you didn't really have a relationship with him.  In this interview we discuss how growing up without your father impacts your romantic relationships.  Kia also provides practical steps you can take right now as a single to be healed from your daddy issues and wounds.  

Tierraney, Founder. She is a twenty-something currently living in Texas. She is an elementary math teacher and is passionate about social justice and helping others.

Click here to download our free devotional "Singleness = _______" Now Available.

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