January 22, 2017

How To Maximize Your Singleness Devotional: Week 2

Text: 1 Corinthians 13:11
One of the ways we can maximize our single season is by committing to maturing. I’m learning through motherhood that having the responsibility of nurturing, serving and being an example in any capacity requires maturity. It requires a soul that is committed to practicing the putting away of childish things. Putting off the old man and putting on the new, walking and abiding in the Spirit that He might bring forth His fruit in us. 

We often have it presented to us that womanhood is all about outward femininity and the ability to keep a home, so once we are able to do those things we consider ourselves women, but when ‘life happens’ we end up responding like girls. Girls gossip, keep a victim mentality, feel entitled, avoid responsibility and harbor toxic emotions. This cannot be our response if we are to walk purposefully and as representatives of Christ. 

I believe if we want to fulfil our destiny then we must commit to maturing into women according to God’s standards. A woman who is still a girl on the inside, may struggle to be effective in marriage, motherhood and ministry because she lacks the capacity to maximize those positions. Of course God’s Grace catches us when we become wives and mothers, while still being girls inwardly, and He doesn’t call us to serve Him once we’ve got it all together, but committing to truly maturing can save some heartache and frustration. 

God is not just preparing us for a wedding day; He’s preparing us for a life of worship and an eternity of oneness! So let us submit to His work in us, remembering it is by His Spirit, and our simple obedience. Prayer: Father help us to see womanhood through Your eyes, and give us the heart to commit to the process. Thank you that singleness is the perfect moment to focus on being who You have pre-ordained and unbecoming all that You have not. Teach us what it is walk in love, and bear fruit that matures and remains. Teach us to abide that our souls might remain steadfast. Help us to overcome the flesh and walk according to the new man, that we might be effective in every season. Teach us to be responsible not just naturally but also spiritually, so that we can heal, grow and be a reflection of You. We pray that You would be the center of our focus, pleasing You would be our goal, and knowing You would be our reward. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Guest Blogger - Nicole Dennis | Blog

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