December 1, 2014

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT: Laura Toeniskoetter

I've been single for all my life, minus five or six weeks in high school where I dated a guy. Needless to say, the whole thing was kind of a disaster (we both made it much more worse than it needed to be when we broke up) and relationships have just had a sour taste to me.

Isn't it funny the things we expect out of our life? The world seems to tell us that life isn't as complete when you're single as it is when you share it with someone? Being single is supposed to be lonely, and yes, I'll admit there's moments where it is - but being single is such a blessing too. 

Not that I won't be open to a relationship when it's time, but it's not the time and I am completely okay with that. So many people think life begins when you fall in love, but I totally disagree. 
I'm not in love with any man, but in my twenty years, I've built a career that includes a successful blog, self-publishing a book in the beginning of the year, and so many other things. Sure, we can all wait around for Mr. Right to come around, but life is so much more complete and fun when you make it yourself. 
When I do meet Mr. Right, I know that I'll be everything I want to be for him, independent and able to take care of myself because I've been through so much to get to that point, but because I can take care of myself, it's not the end of the world if he never shows up. When the time comes, I don't want a relationship that completes me, but one that compliments both of us. 
Laura is a college junior, life style blogger, and award-winning author. On her
blog, The Laura Way, she blogs about college, life, trying to organize and her journey on prepping her book, THE ASSASSIN, for publishing.

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