December 31, 2014

It's 2015 Happy New Year from She is Set Apart!

Happy New Year! I wanted to personally thank you all deeply for your support of She is Set Apart in 2014 and I am extremely excited for what God has in store for 2015.  

If I'm honest I never had intentions of starting a ministry.  I just honestly love to serve and help people.  As I've talked about before, last April I read a book called Spoken For by Alyssa Joy Bethke and Robin Jones Gunn.  

This was at a point when I deeply desired to be in a relationship and be pursued by a man of God.  I had always been single and I felt frustrated and that it was my time. You can read more about this here.  During this time I was reading Spoken For and I came across the chapter titled, You are Pursued.  That chapter hit me like a ton of bricks.  It beautifully showed how we are constantly looking and searching for something to satisfy us and we do this b pursuing everything but God.  Yet, no matter how many times we turn our back to God he relentlessly pursues us.  The God of this universe wants us enough to pursue us.

That day I was overcome with emotion and I said to myself I want every woman to know this and deeply understand this.  This is when I had the idea to host a conference where women could hear this truth.  I had no idea how it would happen or what it'd be called but I gave it over to the Lord.  

You see during this same time I was given the opportunity to serve as the Group Coordinator with Pinky Promise Movement where I help college women start up Pinky Promise Chapters on their campus.  I was working with a college student who felt led to start a chapter on her campus at the University of Houston.  I live near the city therefore after much prayer I reached out to her about the vision of this conference and she jumped right on board.  Ever since August we've been working hard to bring you this conference.  

She is Set Apart is a ministry with the vision to reshape how we view the single season.  Right now the world messages to singles that we are not loved, not wanted, not chosen, not valued, not loved, not pursued & etc... And we really start to believe this.  Therefore, we feel that we need a relationship prove that we are wanted and worthy of being chosen.  However, if we turn to scripture and God's word we see that we are wanted, chosen, loved, pursued, and valued already by Christ and as a single we are set apart to serve God in this season.  

Romans 1:1 says, Paul a servant of Christ Jesus called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of Christ.

Paul was a single man.  He viewed himself in his life during his singleness as a set apart servant for the Gospel of God. Wow! What if we as singles viewed ourselves in our single season as set apart servants for the gospel?

This verse tells us exactly what we should be doing in our singleness and that's fulfilling the great commission as a servant for Christ, spreading the gospel, and making disciples. 

Is this what you have been doing in your single season or have you been too distracted? Have you been too busy desiring a man or a relationship because of some fantasy of everlasting satisfaction you think it will bring you?  

Let's be obedient to the call of the great commission, right now, as single women.  Let's live with an eternity focused mind.  When we fully understand that our desire to be wanted, loved, chosen, pursued, valued & etc... has already been perfectly fulfilled in Christ alone this frees us to discover God's will and live according to it.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all at the She is Set Apart 2015 Conference. Recently I hosted two livestreams for the conference. One was with with potential conference spoken word artist Arielle Estoria Wilburn.  You can watch that interview here. The other was with the founder of Changed Hearts and potential conference speaker Angel Walston which you can watch here. Monday we will be hosting our next She is Set Apart Conference 2015 livestream with Author of Truth, Lies, and The Single Woman Allison Flexer on our YouTube Channel.  

Any other information about the conference is listed here.
Join She is Set Apart to get access to our newsletter. 

Tierraney is the founder of She is Set Apart. She currently teaches 3rd grade math and loves almost anything that comes in pink. She also serves as the Group Coordinator for the Non-Profit Organization Pinky Promise Movement
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