May 22, 2015

Worth The Wait

Waiting is not something I do patiently or joyfully. Whether I’m waiting for a train or bus to arrive or sitting in a car waiting for the red light to turn, waiting seems to be part of life. Most of the time, I know that the train or bus will pull up to the stop or the light will eventually turn green but when it comes to my future spouse, waiting becomes so much more uncomfortable.

Back in my romance reading days, I’d get to fall in love a hundred times and sigh to myself when the characters got their happily ever after. The guy always seemed so perfect (even when he wasn’t). In high school I developed a huge crush on an upper classman who had the most incredible ice blue eyes and long, dark lashes, and I wondered if my wait would ever be over. Even after becoming a Christian, I still had those romantic fantasies swirling in my head only this time God would be at the center. But he never came through the sanctuary doors.

I found myself impatiently waiting and told God, "He better be worth the wait!"

May 18, 2015

Embrace the Longing; Interpret it Differently

What I’m about to share isn’t entirely original, but rather my take on someone else’s perspective. There’s a teaching called “The Seven Longings of the Human Heart”. Heard of it? I’d like to share it with you now and for each one add a bit of encouragement about how God satisfies each of these desires.

The first longing: assurance that you are enjoyed
You know that feeling you get when you tell a joke and everyone in the room laughs? For a brief moment you feel like Sally Field at the Oscars: “They like me, they really like me.” Whether it be on a large or small scale, we all like the feeling of knowing that others enjoy our company, that they enjoy us for who we are.

May 11, 2015

Guarding Your Heart VS. Building Walls

Today most of us don’t know the difference.  Including ME. It is really difficult to know , if what you are doing is out of the spirit of faith or out of the flesh of the body. Sometimes we think we are guarding our heart by studying and understanding the word, but what we may really be doing is, building huge walls around us, not giving access for people to see who we are (FYI: you will need to spend time in prayer and ask God to reveal it to you.)

We don’t allow ourselves to take that road of emotions that once led us to a place of brokenness and disappointment.  We often think,, after all that pain, and all that brokenness , our hearts are too fragile to take another disappointment or another crack . You feel comfort knowing that you have taken your brokenness  to God and allowed Him to heal you, because today you are certainly in a better place and that is only by the grace and strength of God in you.  Do you feel that the better place you are in right now is truly your destination? With much love for you I would say a blunt no -  it’s a part of the journey you are on.

May 4, 2015

Becoming A Proverbs 31 Woman [Before You Say 'I Do']

We've all heard of her before.

The Proverbs 31 woman.

She is the epitome of biblical womanhood and reaching her level seems almost unattainable. How many of us actually like to wake up early in the morning? Or have every hour of our day filled with productive tasks? Becoming a woman like this may seem impossible but whether you skip this chapter of Proverbs intentionally or feel like you can't reach such a standard of perfection, there are some great lessons we need to learn before we marry someday.

1. Be a virtuous woman. The very first description we receive of the Proverbs 31 woman is that she is virtuous (has valor). Are you pursuing your education? Are you working a full-time job and saving your money? Are you ministering to small children at Sunday school or working with your church's youth group? God has given you strengths and gifts that you are using for His glory. You are a virtuous woman!