September 1, 2015

Singleness = Pursued

If we are not careful we may desire to be married so bad that we become distracted and we forget about God and what he has made us to do. Matthew 28:19-20 clearly states what we should be doing in every season of life.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

This applies to everyone whether single or married.

If we loose sight of this we can become just like Gomer in the book of Hosea. We go after our lovers and forget the Lord.

We make desiring a man our primary focus and idol in our single season so much so that we forget God. We become distracted. We forget about the great commission.

We so desperately want to be pursued by a man when God is constantly pursuing us while we pursue other idols.

You think finally being in a relationship with a man is going to make you feel loved, chosen, wanted, valuable, pursued. Sure. At some points he will. But the truth of the matter is at some points he won't. Humans aren't perfect. They will not love you perfectly, always pursue you perfectly, always make you feel wanted. They are flawed humans just like you. They were never designed to bear the burden of loving you perfectly, or valuing you perfectly and the list goes on. You must find that perfect love in Jesus. Find it in Him now. Find your security in His perfect love alone now. Because it's a dangerous, disappointing place to be in when you are trying to find that perfect love in anyone or anything else other than Him.

I thank God that despite my tendency to want to constantly place things and people into the place where only he should be He doesn't give up on me. He doesn't turn his back on me and says I give up on this one she's worse than Gomer instead he pursues me relentlessly because he believes that I'm worth it. He does the same for you.  Just like in the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve got distracted so much so that they disobeyed God. They decided to pursue sin instead of the clear instructions God gave them. When they blatantly disobeyed Him, God did not ignore them or turn his back on them. Instead he pursued them. Scripture says he was walking towards them in the cool of the day. Not stomping or charging at them but calmly walking. When they turned to their other "gods" and idols God still said no you are mine and I still love you and want you. You are worth pursuing. What a great God we serve!

So if you find yourself mirroring Gomer or in an Adam and Eve type situation realizing that you have placed a relationship with a man on a pedestool above God know that God is not mad at you. He has been calmly and patiently pursuing you with his relentless love. Rest in that and let Him be enough for you.

Can you relate to placing your desire for a relationship above Christ? If so what steps will you commit to taking in order to make God and His purpose for your number one priority?

Check out Part 1 Singleness = Loved.

Tierraney, Founder. She is a twenty-something currently living in Texas. She is an elementary math teacher and is passionate about social justice and helping others.
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