September 14, 2015

Steady, My Heart

“The light of God will cause you to give up a man you can see for a man you cannot see!”  Bishop T.D Jakes

I saw this on my Instagram feed and immediately had to stop and have a moment with God. This quote transported me into my past, reminding me of the many mixed emotions that were involved when my previous relationships ended. I remember feeling like I had gotten the green light from God about pursuing a relationship with each person. I had prayed, fasted, done character evaluations (of them), considered our many previous conversations about God, life and love and felt like we had aligned beliefs and visions for the future. When things started coming up that showed otherwise, I was devastated! Was God now saying the opposite? Had I heard wrong? Had I heard at all?

Oh but I did hear... selectively! I was so busy listening for a confirmation that I missed the convictions. God was trying to show me areas that I needed to grow more in but i wasn't looking to hear that. Clearly, I missed the hints. What ended up happening instead, was that I’d only gotten a clear vision on the other person’s shortcomings, remaining blind to my own. But doesn’t it take two to tango? Sometimes we have to let go because WE are the problem. We attract who we are and when our identity doesn't reflect Christ, neither will our partners’. These unholy relationships can only breed compromise.

Sidebar: a relationship doesn’t have to be abusive, stagnant, or unequally yoked for God to require you to let him go. Sometimes wrong timing is just as bad. Just saying.

That character evaluation I spoke about earlier should've first been done in me. Even now, I know I haven't "arrived" regardless of the maturity that's taken place over the years. The latest temptation is to complain about this current season of singleness. I find myself wondering what is lacking that after all these years I'm still alone. Isn't it mind blowing how we worry about being liked by someone else when we're already someone's beloved? And He loves us so deeply.

Christ’s love for you and I is unmatched and never will be. There will never be another sacrifice grander than His death on the cross, His resurrection and his upcoming return for us, His bride. In the meantime, you should desire and await to be loved by a man who grasps this concept but nevertheless strives daily to love you deeper and deeper like Christ. In turn, invite the Lord to shape you and mold you into the kind of woman this godly man would desire. Deep calls out to deep and if you’re looking for Christ in him, he’s looking for Christ in you!

If you can relate, let this be our new prayer: "Dear heavenly father, thank you for your everlasting love. Please help me to receive this love and to be content in this season you have me in. May I seek after you more than anything or anyone else in this world. Remind me that as I wait on You, You shall continually strengthen me. In Jesus' name, amen."

Are there any confirmations you have been seeking?

May there be any convictions you might be ignoring or delaying to act on?

Grace and peace sisters.

Bernadette, Contributor. She prefers to be called Bernie. She is Kenyan born but currently lives in NYC.  She describes herself as a praise and worshipper in love with Jesus with a heart after God’s own. She is also a local and international missionary telling others and learning more about Christ wherever she goes. Lastly, She is a Licensed Social Worker specializing in Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention.


  1. Bernie, I love your transparency in this article. The mere fact that you recognize where you fell short in your relationship shows the growth of God in you. My sister you are an inspiration to me Even though I am married already, I still look for him and I to grow deeper in Christ. Love you sis God bless.

  2. selectively! I was so busy listening for a confirmation that I missed the convictions. ouch this is so true i am speechless. let me go say my prayer because this just touched a nerve.
