September 7, 2015

He Says I'm Worth It But Am I?

His pursuit is constant, unwavering and unmatched. However, at times, we can't help but think: Am I actually worth pursuing? Does He really want all of me? The answer is YES! Even the most darkest and untouchable parts of ourselves we refuse to acknowledge or have buried over time, He wants it all and He wants it all today. It doesn't make sense that despite my past, the mistakes I made that He would pursue me relentlessly but the truth is His pursuit is intentional, pure and weighted with a purpose. By nailing himself on the cross to carry all mankind's sins serves as a reminder that we were worth it and the beauty of it all is that we didn't even have to say yes to Him first.

I have already been found. Found in His Love. The problem I have now is that I need to accept that I am not in the process of being found but I have been found already. He knows me more than anyone else could because He created me.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5

That is worth recognizing, that is what we should constantly be meditating on. Every intricate detail of my life He has observed and constantly reminded me who I am in those moments of doubt, fear, frustration and vulnerability.  
The past month or so for me has been an undoing, a renewing of my mind and the way I think about myself as a woman and a daughter of God. It hasn't been easy and I have cried in frustration because I just could not get what God was asking me to do. He was asking me to abandon structures and set a new way of thinking altogether. Things that I thought was okay to live out and set as a foundation in my life was tainted with sin. He wanted me to become familiar with a new familiar: His truth and what He said about me.
Since I belong to Him, I have inherited qualities of my Father, qualities that are to be put to work for His name to be glorified. I have learned that I am limitless in nature, I am the greatest peace, I am light, I have the power to heal, to forgive, to restore, to create, to teach, capable of expressing the grandest love and proclaimer of the highest truth.

Knowing who you are pursued by changes everything. Your behavior, thought patterns, and the choices you make daily.  It affects your relationship with other  people from the knowledge you have of them, to how you talk to them, and how you hold yourself in their presence.

Perfection pursues us not just every year, every month, every week, every day, every hour, every minute but in every moment He sees us. If only we turn to look at the face of the pursuer, our body and mind will not elevate anyone or anything but will come to an agreement with the soul. The souls longing for a close, intimate relationship with our Everything.

This pursuit cannot be replicated. 
What has God been teaching you in this season?

Chioma is 25 years old and have lived in London all her life. Her parents are originally from Nigeria. She has one older sister and four younger brothers. She teaches children and her passion has always been to act and see many lives transformed by the power of God and Drama!
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