September 17, 2015

Singleness is a Time to Build Up | Part 1

Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind. Proverbs 21:5

There is no better season in life than singleness to do things probably you will not have time to do later. Things which will put you ahead in the long run in life. This is the theme of this post, to let you know this your opportunity to build up a purposeful life which will harvest good fruits later in life. Even more, if you plan well, you will see those fruits in your children’s life also.

Singleness is a time to:

1.    Grow up spiritually: Many writers have written about this subject, so I will only add that you probably will not have as much free time as you wish later in life. Marriage and children, although great blessings, are also huge energy and time consumers. This is the best time to set up a deep relationship with God

2.    Plan your life financially: I have met many people who have arrived to marriage land with debts and wrong financial habits. This causes them backwardness in life and God’s plans for them.  The best way to avoid this is using your singleness time to get rid of debts, learning about how to improve your financial situation and setting financial goals as well, like saving money to buy a house or to pay a nice wedding ceremony. Learning from financial mentors is a good idea in this area. I totally recommend  Christian millionaire Dani Johnson.

3.    Grow up emotionally:  I read recently that 50% of marriages end in divorce in the United States.Sadly, Latin American reality is no different from the American. One of the things I learnt while I was counselor years ago was that the two main reasons for husband-wife conflicts are money and unsolved emotional issues. Therefore, you should face singleness as a time to heal your emotions, a time to learn how to develop healthy relationships and how to have a good relationship with yourself as well. This will save you heartbreaks and lots of headaches in the future.

4.  Learn and try new things: As I said before, marriage and parenting requires a lot of time, so this is your chance to learn a new skill which could help you in the future. This is the when you can learn a new language and read tons of books about whatever you want. Now is when you can use your time to learn from great people through blogs, videos and conferences.

5.    Plan a life: True, we can’t plan everything, life is full of surprises and some of them are not good. Despite this, you can use this season in your life to plan and set goals for the future. It is important you have total clarity of what you want your life be like. The same way, it is crucial you establish standards in your life and relationships form now on. Otherwise you might end living a life under your expectations and worse, under God’s.

What arrangements can you do from now on to have a fruitful and plentiful life in the future?

Laly, Contributor. She is a Former 700th Club prayer counselor and currently a novel writer and entrepreneur. Her passion is to empower women to fulfill God’s plan on earth. She is also a pug lover and a globe trotter.

1 comment:

  1. This post is so right, by rushing into something before time you miss the opportunity to learn about yourself and this wonderful earth God has created.
