February 21, 2016

Decoding The Mystery

“The heart of human excellence often begins to beat when you discover a pursuit that absorbs you, frees you, challenges you, or gives you a sense of meaning, joy, or passion.”―Terry Orlick 
So often, we pray for the Lord to bless us: bless us with a new car, a job, a husband, or what-not. As great as these things are, most of us fail to realize that these things are merely tools for us to use, in order, to fulfill our God-given destiny.

See, inside each of us is a code, and contained within this code is the revelation of who we truly are and the purpose for our lives. Psalm 139:16 reads, "You saw me before I was born and scheduled each day of my life before I began to breathe. Every day was recorded in your Book!" God is our Creator. He is the only one who is capable of unlocking the code that's inside us. As we actively pursue the presence of God [His character, His thoughts, His heart], He'll diligently reveal His unique purpose for our lives.  

Knowing the reason for our existence gives us a sense of direction. Imagine trying to use a chair as a hair comb. The idea of it sounds ridiculous, right? Well, if we fail to understand our purpose, we become like this chair---misused. The consequences can be detrimental and even, fatal---emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Ignorantly, we'll find ourselves attaching to things, activities, and people that were never meant to be apart of our lives. As a result, we end up with wasted time, energy, effort, and emotions.

When we know our purpose we can easily discern between what is good for us and what is not. We then free ourselves from living a life of unnecessary pain and regret. Not only this, but we prevent ourselves from reflecting a life that falls short of God’s vision for us. Romans 8:19 reads, “For all of creation waits with eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” How can we expect to fulfill this expectation if we don’t understand our purpose? It’s impossible.   

Being daughters of the Most High, we must take this pursuit seriously. Because when we do, we become crystal clear about God’s intention for our lives. And knowing this, we can live our lives with power and certainty. While the method God will use to reveal our purpose, on earth, will vary according to the season we find ourselves in, we can rest assure that we’ll always be certain of our ultimate direction. Most importantly, the relationship between the Creator and the created is further fortified as God's plan for us moves from concept to reality.

Life without purpose is meaningless and down-right dangerous. Our Heavenly Father did not call us to live life like this. We must turn to Him and seek His counsel in revealing who we were created to be in Christ Jesus. It’s only through this endeavor that we can truly express the life Jesus spoke about in John 10:10, “I came that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness.”

Asaya is a native of San Jose, CA. She enjoys good food and all things sports, especially football and soccer. She's been actively pursuing God for the past 5 years and looks forward to seeing how the Lord will further transform her world in the next 5. Instagram

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