November 24, 2014

Oh Be Careful Little Eyes

Back in the day I was a sucker for a good chick flick. If you were to scroll through my collection of movies while I was in college, you would think I had an addiction. My bookshelves were lined with romantic comedy after romantic comedy… and the occasional action movie (as long as it had a good love story).

What God meant for good

Romance movies have acquired a negative stigma among Christian women because they tend to be the culprit behind unrealistic expectations in relationships. For single women these movies can evoke a desire for a relationship that don’t really exist, and for married women chick flicks can cause tension when the woman realizes her husband doesn’t fit her skewed concept of who he should be.

Although the idea of romance predominantly perpetuated by media, causes such annoyances in our lives, it didn’t start out that way. If we take a look at the Bible as a whole, it’s one big love story, the overarching reality for every believer across the world.

November 17, 2014

Beyond Waiting

I was sitting in his living room, my heart divided between what it wanted in that moment and what it wanted for all of time. Looking back now, it seems the choice should have been easy, but sometimes the moment seems to carry more weight than it actually does in truth.

“I can’t do this,” I said.


I’ve always hated that question. Hated how it forces me to sort through my motivation when always the answer is just there at the ready.

I shook my head. “I don’t have a logical answer. I’m sorry, I know that’s what you want.”

But how does one even begin to tell a man that he is too safe, too comfortable, too secure? Isn’t that what any girl should want?

November 10, 2014

A Season of Singleness

Autumn arrived with the changing of the leaves and a chill in the air. In Genesis, God used the seasons to show passages of time, one giving way to the other. Yet as we get older, we notice that there are some seasons in our life that go on longer than we’d like and with it comes an uneasiness in our hearts (more on that later).
This season for singleness doesn’t have to be a holding period for your life. I believe God has many wonderful things in mind for us:

Purpose – There are many women who feel like their purpose is to be a wife and a mother. Yet, what happens when those purposes feel frustrated?  Friend, can I tell you that your meaning and worth are not found on being a wife or a mother but a daughter of the Most High God. He created us with purpose and our season of singleness gives us the perfect opportunity to seek it out. We are able to serve our local churches and our communities, our families and friends with wholehearted focus.