August 31, 2015

The Big "V"

Photo Credit: Arielle Estoria
Had that “no new friends” bandwagon that people have been jumping on left and right come out a few years ago, I would be sitting front row and center. Even though I’m a very friendly person, I’m also private and it wasn’t until a few years ago that I also used this as an excuse not to let people in. I talked to a lot of people but my interactions for a long time were limited to courteous ‘hellos’ and ‘how’s your week been?’ I was content with my handful of close friends, and my family who were my support system and  accountability partners.

August 27, 2015

7 Reasons You Should Love Yourself

Photo Credit: Arielle Estoria
I went through most of my life wishing I could be someone else. Someone who was popular, went out with friends, had a boyfriend or two, and knew all the right things to say. Instead, I stayed home most of the time, reading books, watching TV, and waiting for the day when something in my life would change.

That day happened when I was in my early twenties and I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

There are many things that Jesus says in the Bible that to most would be considered scandalous. But one of the things He commanded is something that even to the daughters of God can be hard to accept.

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
Jesus said to him, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hand all the Law and the Prophets.”  (Matthew 22:36-40)

August 24, 2015

Better Remain Single

Photo Credit: Arielle Estoria
A couple of friends of mine have recently started dating. Contrary to how society would paint the picture of the single friend in a group of friends who are all in relationships, I don’t feel any envy, bitterness or jealousy. Gone are the feelings of self-loathing where I’d grab the magnifying glass and desperately ask God to help me in my analysis of what was or still is wrong with me. It hasn’t always been this way; in fact there are days where God has to strongly remind me that He created me to be more than someone’s girlfriend or wife. How often do we hear that in society though?

Two weeks ago I was at church and the pastor shared very briefly about how when she was single, she felt as though she was missing something and was at the end of her rope, then a week later at a wedding I attended, another pastor asked all the single people to stand up and those who didn’t stand were told that they’d miss out on their blessing. We tread on dangerous territory when we allow the standards and expectations of society to dictate the words that are spoken in the church. Nowhere in the Bible does Christ say we will miss our blessing if we’re single, in fact in the book of 1 Corinthians 7:40, Paul tells us that in his opinion it would be better to remain single.

August 9, 2015

Cutting the Rope

Photo Credit: Arielle Estoria
Why are we afraid to let go and let God do the work in our lives? I think it's because we're scared that we might not get back what we surrendered to Him.  We're scared to let go of the people we love. Sometimes I find it scary to even ask "Lord let your will be done" because not all of God’s will is pleasing to us until we understand the "why". I'm scared that He might answer me and take the things and people I love because they're not part of His divine plan.

We are afraid to lose something the moment we start to love it. The moment we start to care for it,  treasure it and accept even it's flaws. But the weariness our hearts feel in waiting eventually causes us to give in and just say, "Lord I'm done, I'm tired and I don't know why you are not allowing this to happen. Let your will be done."

For several days I've been wondering about my future.  What if God has privileged us to be together, I wonder if he'll treasure me, pursue me, spend time with me and love me more than the words we shared over the phone. I wonder if he'll drive to where I am just to see me. I wonder if his phone will be filled with our pictures together. I wonder if he'll take advantage and appreciate the fact that we're no longer thousands of miles apart. I wonder if he'll be proud of me. I wonder if things will be different.

August 6, 2015

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT ft. Laly Elgueta

There are days when you wake up and you don’t know your life will change forever. In my case it was an autumn sunshiny day when my future made a turning point to a new direction, pointed by God himself.  I didn’t know a simple pure hearted promise would shape the years to come. 
I was only 21 years old and like any other girl I wanted to experience love and romance. I had been praying about this amazing young man who was interested in having a relationship with me, but since he was not a Christian, I was hesitating. The Father had already made me know His disapproval and during that morning I was going to let this boy know about my final decision too.
Despite having an answer, I was not happy about it. I was fighting in my heart with the Father about his negative whensomething amazing happened. The Father asked me to keep myself apart for Him until marriage. I agreed because I thought I had no more choicesNow I think how little I knew God to think that. As soon as I gave Him my response He made me a question it would change my whole life story. He wanted to know if I was willing to be faithful to my future husband even before we met. That moment was a turning point in my life. An overwhelming feeling of love invaded my heart and I was able to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice saying this was the kind of romantic love I would one day experience. The only requirement was faithfulness to God and to my future husband.

August 3, 2015

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT ft. Bernadette Muinga

I'm two days into a new position (as a write this) at my old job and I'm already being stretched! Not only is my role different, but my relationships with coworkers are shifting, my responsibilities and accountability are different and boy oh boy, I'm working harder than ever before... and I already thought I worked hard!
So today at lunch, as I'm walking out, I remember I've forgotten something and quickly run back to my desk. It's like they smelled me open the door because before I could get to my desk, a big boss pulls me into her office and shares that there are a few things that need managing before I could go to lunch. An hour and a half later, I'm peacefully seated, fed and still have a few minutes to spare. I found myself reviewing/praying on the days events thus far and like a bomb, it hit me: "To whom much is given, much is required." 
Selah... I had to chew on that for a bit!

August 1, 2015

Singleness = Loved

You are loved believe that.

We can not base God's unconditional love for us off of fickle conditional human love.

God so loved the world that he GAVE his only son. Same should be for us. We love so we GIVE. I think that's why my love language is gift giving and receiving. When I love I give gifts to people. And I feel most loved when others give things to me. I guess because that reminds me of how God gave his son for me. Although I was so underserving he felt I was worth it.

I think as a single it's so important to find out identity and worth in Christ before we run into a relationship and try to find our identity and worth in that other human.

One day I felt real stupid when I realized how I was unknowingly comparing God's love to human love. 

"God's love should never be distorted or diminished by comparing it with the friendship or love of any human who has let me down, rejected me, betrayed me, or lied about me." - Spoken For Book