July 31, 2016

She is Set Apart Singles Conference 2016

Clear your calendar - It's going down! She is Set Apart Singles Conference kicks off on September 16th, and you're invited to take part in the festivities. We're making this conference virtual and it will be live and online. It's FREE so come one, come all, & share with a friend.. This is going to be transformational! Registration is required to access the live conference and to be eligible for any and all giveaways. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

July 24, 2016

How to be Content in Singleness

This week we are sharing with you a video interview we did with Yumi titled, Contentment in Singleness.

As single women we have to make a daily decision to choose to be content in our singleness. Contentment is not just a one time thing. You do not magically find contentment and then remain content from then on.  Instead you have to continually fight to be content. In this interview Yumi provides some practical steps we can take to be content in our singleness.

July 17, 2016

How Media Influences the Single Woman

This week we are sharing with you a video interview we did with Christi Given host of JUCE TV titled, Media Influence and the Single Woman.

How do you feel about being a single woman? Whatever your answer was the way you view your singleness is heavily influenced by the media you consume.  TV shows, music, and social media influences our life.  The influence can either be positive or negative.  It is important that as a woman of God especially being single that we are cautious of the media that we allow ourselves to consume.  As a Christian woman who works in the entertainment industry Christi gives advice to single women on how they can guard their heart from negative media.

July 10, 2016

So You Are Single?

“Yes. I am single. “I replied smiling. The man looked at me. He could not understand how a pretty woman like me could still be single at my age (I am 26 by the grace of God)!!! His reaction made me laugh. I mean why should I enter into a relationship, I asked him. He replied “I believe that A relationship will lead you into marriage”, I smiled and told him “A relationship should have a purpose; I cannot just date or enter in a marriage with no purpose and no vision.”
The Bible teaches us in John 3:16 that Christ was sent for a purpose. He was saved so we could not perish in hell but have everlasting life. By the Grace of God, I strongly believe that all I do and will do in the future has a purpose. My life has a purpose. My singleness has a purpose. My finances status has a purpose. My friendship has a purpose. If I remove the purpose, I remove my identity in Christ. Christ is my image and His Word tells me that all He does has a purpose.

July 3, 2016

How to Deal With Your Daddy Issues In Singleness

This week we are sharing with you a video interview we did with Kia Stephens of Father Swap titled, Single Daughters and Silent Fathers.

Many women have grown up without a father present in their lives.  Even if he was around and you grew up with him he was not really active in your life and maybe you didn't really have a relationship with him.  In this interview we discuss how growing up without your father impacts your romantic relationships.  Kia also provides practical steps you can take right now as a single to be healed from your daddy issues and wounds.