January 17, 2016

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT ft Ida Pahus

Have you ever caught yourself in thinking, “if I have a boyfriend it would be so much easier for me to feel loved?” As a single woman myself, I must admit that thoughts like this have crossed my mind. Sometimes we feel  if we just had that special someone we would be so much more loved.
You know what? Even if not one person in the whole world who loved you, you would still be just as loved as a person loved by every single person in the whole world. Why? Because your worth comes from Jesus. It does not come from a boyfriend or anyone else. Others’ love or lack of love for us can never ever change Jesus’ love for us. Your worth is found in Jesus. He is the One who defines you. As 1 John 4:7 says, “… for love comes from God.”
Your worth comes from your creator. The One who created with a purpose and for a purpose. When you have Him, you never need anyone else to be loved. Because you are!

Your value does not increase based on someone’s ability you see your worth.
Dear sisters, let us believe this. Let Jesus be the One who defines us. We do not need a guy--what we need is Jesus.
Remember: you are not incomplete without a boyfriend, you are incomplete without Jesus. You do not need to have a boyfriend to be able to make the most out of life. Start where you are, right now.
Be content in this season. There is a season for everything. Do not waste this season with waiting, instead live every day to its fullest. And remember, you are oh so loved--not because of anyone else, but because that is how you father sees you. His opinion of you is the only one that really matter and will ever define you.

And His love never changes. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8

Ida is a Christian lifestyle blogger  and author of the devotional book "The One Who Is Always Near". She is based in Denmark, Europe, She is a single who is not spending her time waiting for a boyfriend but living life with what I have right now and not wasting the precious time she has now as a single woman. She strives to live life fully alive.
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