September 17, 2015

Singleness is a Time to Build Up | Part 1

Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind. Proverbs 21:5

There is no better season in life than singleness to do things probably you will not have time to do later. Things which will put you ahead in the long run in life. This is the theme of this post, to let you know this your opportunity to build up a purposeful life which will harvest good fruits later in life. Even more, if you plan well, you will see those fruits in your children’s life also.

Singleness is a time to:

1.    Grow up spiritually: Many writers have written about this subject, so I will only add that you probably will not have as much free time as you wish later in life. Marriage and children, although great blessings, are also huge energy and time consumers. This is the best time to set up a deep relationship with God

September 14, 2015

Steady, My Heart

“The light of God will cause you to give up a man you can see for a man you cannot see!”  Bishop T.D Jakes

I saw this on my Instagram feed and immediately had to stop and have a moment with God. This quote transported me into my past, reminding me of the many mixed emotions that were involved when my previous relationships ended. I remember feeling like I had gotten the green light from God about pursuing a relationship with each person. I had prayed, fasted, done character evaluations (of them), considered our many previous conversations about God, life and love and felt like we had aligned beliefs and visions for the future. When things started coming up that showed otherwise, I was devastated! Was God now saying the opposite? Had I heard wrong? Had I heard at all?

Oh but I did hear... selectively! I was so busy listening for a confirmation that I missed the convictions. God was trying to show me areas that I needed to grow more in but i wasn't looking to hear that. Clearly, I missed the hints. What ended up happening instead, was that I’d only gotten a clear vision on the other person’s shortcomings, remaining blind to my own. But doesn’t it take two to tango? Sometimes we have to let go because WE are the problem. We attract who we are and when our identity doesn't reflect Christ, neither will our partners’. These unholy relationships can only breed compromise.

September 10, 2015

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT ft. Emily Posch

There are a million reasons to put something off. We tell each other all about the “signs that God sent us” to do a particular thing, but only when it’s convenient. Only when it’s something we want to do…and more than the other things we’d like to do.  

So after I had spent weeks with one thought in the back of my mind—“why are there no ministries for single Christian women?”—I discovered She is Set Apart via Instagram. And I did nothing.  

Oh, I sure said I would. I told all of my close girlfriends all about it. “They need people to contribute! Let’s share our testimonies!” And I’d pull open Word and start typing…and then realize that it was absolutely necessary to go buy avocados or run the laundry that very second.  

I think my biggest hang-up was wondering how I would convince you, dear reader, how valued and loved you are by your Father. How cherished you are by your Savior. How to not make the same mistakes I did.

September 7, 2015

He Says I'm Worth It But Am I?

His pursuit is constant, unwavering and unmatched. However, at times, we can't help but think: Am I actually worth pursuing? Does He really want all of me? The answer is YES! Even the most darkest and untouchable parts of ourselves we refuse to acknowledge or have buried over time, He wants it all and He wants it all today. It doesn't make sense that despite my past, the mistakes I made that He would pursue me relentlessly but the truth is His pursuit is intentional, pure and weighted with a purpose. By nailing himself on the cross to carry all mankind's sins serves as a reminder that we were worth it and the beauty of it all is that we didn't even have to say yes to Him first.

September 1, 2015

Singleness = Pursued

If we are not careful we may desire to be married so bad that we become distracted and we forget about God and what he has made us to do. Matthew 28:19-20 clearly states what we should be doing in every season of life.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

This applies to everyone whether single or married.

If we loose sight of this we can become just like Gomer in the book of Hosea. We go after our lovers and forget the Lord.

August 31, 2015

The Big "V"

Photo Credit: Arielle Estoria
Had that “no new friends” bandwagon that people have been jumping on left and right come out a few years ago, I would be sitting front row and center. Even though I’m a very friendly person, I’m also private and it wasn’t until a few years ago that I also used this as an excuse not to let people in. I talked to a lot of people but my interactions for a long time were limited to courteous ‘hellos’ and ‘how’s your week been?’ I was content with my handful of close friends, and my family who were my support system and  accountability partners.

August 27, 2015

7 Reasons You Should Love Yourself

Photo Credit: Arielle Estoria
I went through most of my life wishing I could be someone else. Someone who was popular, went out with friends, had a boyfriend or two, and knew all the right things to say. Instead, I stayed home most of the time, reading books, watching TV, and waiting for the day when something in my life would change.

That day happened when I was in my early twenties and I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

There are many things that Jesus says in the Bible that to most would be considered scandalous. But one of the things He commanded is something that even to the daughters of God can be hard to accept.

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
Jesus said to him, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hand all the Law and the Prophets.”  (Matthew 22:36-40)

August 24, 2015

Better Remain Single

Photo Credit: Arielle Estoria
A couple of friends of mine have recently started dating. Contrary to how society would paint the picture of the single friend in a group of friends who are all in relationships, I don’t feel any envy, bitterness or jealousy. Gone are the feelings of self-loathing where I’d grab the magnifying glass and desperately ask God to help me in my analysis of what was or still is wrong with me. It hasn’t always been this way; in fact there are days where God has to strongly remind me that He created me to be more than someone’s girlfriend or wife. How often do we hear that in society though?

Two weeks ago I was at church and the pastor shared very briefly about how when she was single, she felt as though she was missing something and was at the end of her rope, then a week later at a wedding I attended, another pastor asked all the single people to stand up and those who didn’t stand were told that they’d miss out on their blessing. We tread on dangerous territory when we allow the standards and expectations of society to dictate the words that are spoken in the church. Nowhere in the Bible does Christ say we will miss our blessing if we’re single, in fact in the book of 1 Corinthians 7:40, Paul tells us that in his opinion it would be better to remain single.

August 9, 2015

Cutting the Rope

Photo Credit: Arielle Estoria
Why are we afraid to let go and let God do the work in our lives? I think it's because we're scared that we might not get back what we surrendered to Him.  We're scared to let go of the people we love. Sometimes I find it scary to even ask "Lord let your will be done" because not all of God’s will is pleasing to us until we understand the "why". I'm scared that He might answer me and take the things and people I love because they're not part of His divine plan.

We are afraid to lose something the moment we start to love it. The moment we start to care for it,  treasure it and accept even it's flaws. But the weariness our hearts feel in waiting eventually causes us to give in and just say, "Lord I'm done, I'm tired and I don't know why you are not allowing this to happen. Let your will be done."

For several days I've been wondering about my future.  What if God has privileged us to be together, I wonder if he'll treasure me, pursue me, spend time with me and love me more than the words we shared over the phone. I wonder if he'll drive to where I am just to see me. I wonder if his phone will be filled with our pictures together. I wonder if he'll take advantage and appreciate the fact that we're no longer thousands of miles apart. I wonder if he'll be proud of me. I wonder if things will be different.

August 6, 2015

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT ft. Laly Elgueta

There are days when you wake up and you don’t know your life will change forever. In my case it was an autumn sunshiny day when my future made a turning point to a new direction, pointed by God himself.  I didn’t know a simple pure hearted promise would shape the years to come. 
I was only 21 years old and like any other girl I wanted to experience love and romance. I had been praying about this amazing young man who was interested in having a relationship with me, but since he was not a Christian, I was hesitating. The Father had already made me know His disapproval and during that morning I was going to let this boy know about my final decision too.
Despite having an answer, I was not happy about it. I was fighting in my heart with the Father about his negative whensomething amazing happened. The Father asked me to keep myself apart for Him until marriage. I agreed because I thought I had no more choicesNow I think how little I knew God to think that. As soon as I gave Him my response He made me a question it would change my whole life story. He wanted to know if I was willing to be faithful to my future husband even before we met. That moment was a turning point in my life. An overwhelming feeling of love invaded my heart and I was able to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice saying this was the kind of romantic love I would one day experience. The only requirement was faithfulness to God and to my future husband.

August 3, 2015

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT ft. Bernadette Muinga

I'm two days into a new position (as a write this) at my old job and I'm already being stretched! Not only is my role different, but my relationships with coworkers are shifting, my responsibilities and accountability are different and boy oh boy, I'm working harder than ever before... and I already thought I worked hard!
So today at lunch, as I'm walking out, I remember I've forgotten something and quickly run back to my desk. It's like they smelled me open the door because before I could get to my desk, a big boss pulls me into her office and shares that there are a few things that need managing before I could go to lunch. An hour and a half later, I'm peacefully seated, fed and still have a few minutes to spare. I found myself reviewing/praying on the days events thus far and like a bomb, it hit me: "To whom much is given, much is required." 
Selah... I had to chew on that for a bit!

August 1, 2015

Singleness = Loved

You are loved believe that.

We can not base God's unconditional love for us off of fickle conditional human love.

God so loved the world that he GAVE his only son. Same should be for us. We love so we GIVE. I think that's why my love language is gift giving and receiving. When I love I give gifts to people. And I feel most loved when others give things to me. I guess because that reminds me of how God gave his son for me. Although I was so underserving he felt I was worth it.

I think as a single it's so important to find out identity and worth in Christ before we run into a relationship and try to find our identity and worth in that other human.

One day I felt real stupid when I realized how I was unknowingly comparing God's love to human love. 

"God's love should never be distorted or diminished by comparing it with the friendship or love of any human who has let me down, rejected me, betrayed me, or lied about me." - Spoken For Book

July 27, 2015

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT ft. Chioma Anyanwu

Before I used to think that being single was something to be ashamed of. I felt that I was permanently stamped with an unwanted sign and that my worth was measured by what others thought of me. I believed being single was not something to celebrate or be spoken about. If you were single and in conversation about singleness, it wasn't enough to just say "I'm single" it had to be followed by "Oh actually there is this guy that I like..." As soon as I said that, people were interested in me and what I had to say. God forbid you would just say that you were just single as people would automatically think "What is wrong with her?"

I went to an all girls school and I felt all kinds of pressure coming from my peers who already had boyfriends and we having pre-marital sex. I just didn't understand why nobody wanted me. I remember a girl saying to me that if you want to be noticed you have to make yourself available, really available. How you dress, how you talk, how you

July 20, 2015

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT ft. Aurelie Mukendi

I was never truly aware of how beautiful the season of singleness is, until I was in a relationship. I fell in love, right guy at the wrong time and not at all how God wanted it to happen.  I went through with it partly because I was young but mostly because I was broken. Broken girls like me grew up watching Disney fairytales, meeting Prince Charming is something we look forward to.  Someone to rescue us from all the pain we’ve endured, someone to laugh at our horrible jokes, someone who will accept and love our families and hopefully he loves dogs too...that’s how it goes right? The longer I remained in that relationship, the louder I could hear God telling me that I had awakened love before it was time. I had pulled myself away from His plan for my life and stepped into a season, where His word had told me to wait. I sought rescue in man and the wounds that I hadn’t yet allowed God full access to, were destroying not only me but a man who till this day, I will always love and cherish.

July 13, 2015

Set Apart SPOTLIGHT ft. Kaye Olivar

I used to sit inside my high school gym watching students practice for a wrestling match. It’s not like the WWE we see on TV where they’re situated inside a ring, where there are no rules and chairs are being thrown out of nowhere. WWE is just an illusion that I believed was true when I was growing up. But the wrestlers I watched at school used their bodies to put down their opponents or to get them out of the drawn circle. It looked simple, but the sport required great strength, endurance and a willful mind.
Jacob wrestled with the angles for the blessing he was praying for and he didn’t stop until God decided to bless Him. Waiting on God and His promises can sometimes feel like we’re being wrestled, not by Him but by ourselves. Oswald Chambers said we are not to wrestle with God, but with things in front of God.

June 29, 2015

Hey Single Woman Who Lied to You?

I'm a woman who has been single for 23 going on 24 years of my life. In case you didn't know my birthday is next month and I'll be 24. So every year of my existence I've been single.

It's amazing to me that I'm even able to say this and put this on the internet for the world to see. Because for 98% of my time being single I would have never confessed to that. Out of fear of what others would think I would have never said how I've been single my entire life and never been in a relationship.

I was afraid that others would think something was wrong with me mainly because I thought something must be wrong with me. I mean come on all my life and not one relationship. Something's wrong, right? Wrong!

This my sisters is nothing more than another lie of the enemy. Satan wants us as single women to believe something is wrong with us. Because if we are so busy thinking something is wrong with us then we will be distracted. Too distracted to focus on the purpose of why we are here on earth which is to fulfill the great commission and make disciples of all nations.

May 22, 2015

Worth The Wait

Waiting is not something I do patiently or joyfully. Whether I’m waiting for a train or bus to arrive or sitting in a car waiting for the red light to turn, waiting seems to be part of life. Most of the time, I know that the train or bus will pull up to the stop or the light will eventually turn green but when it comes to my future spouse, waiting becomes so much more uncomfortable.

Back in my romance reading days, I’d get to fall in love a hundred times and sigh to myself when the characters got their happily ever after. The guy always seemed so perfect (even when he wasn’t). In high school I developed a huge crush on an upper classman who had the most incredible ice blue eyes and long, dark lashes, and I wondered if my wait would ever be over. Even after becoming a Christian, I still had those romantic fantasies swirling in my head only this time God would be at the center. But he never came through the sanctuary doors.

I found myself impatiently waiting and told God, "He better be worth the wait!"

May 18, 2015

Embrace the Longing; Interpret it Differently

What I’m about to share isn’t entirely original, but rather my take on someone else’s perspective. There’s a teaching called “The Seven Longings of the Human Heart”. Heard of it? I’d like to share it with you now and for each one add a bit of encouragement about how God satisfies each of these desires.

The first longing: assurance that you are enjoyed
You know that feeling you get when you tell a joke and everyone in the room laughs? For a brief moment you feel like Sally Field at the Oscars: “They like me, they really like me.” Whether it be on a large or small scale, we all like the feeling of knowing that others enjoy our company, that they enjoy us for who we are.

May 11, 2015

Guarding Your Heart VS. Building Walls

Today most of us don’t know the difference.  Including ME. It is really difficult to know , if what you are doing is out of the spirit of faith or out of the flesh of the body. Sometimes we think we are guarding our heart by studying and understanding the word, but what we may really be doing is, building huge walls around us, not giving access for people to see who we are (FYI: you will need to spend time in prayer and ask God to reveal it to you.)

We don’t allow ourselves to take that road of emotions that once led us to a place of brokenness and disappointment.  We often think,, after all that pain, and all that brokenness , our hearts are too fragile to take another disappointment or another crack . You feel comfort knowing that you have taken your brokenness  to God and allowed Him to heal you, because today you are certainly in a better place and that is only by the grace and strength of God in you.  Do you feel that the better place you are in right now is truly your destination? With much love for you I would say a blunt no -  it’s a part of the journey you are on.

May 4, 2015

Becoming A Proverbs 31 Woman [Before You Say 'I Do']

We've all heard of her before.

The Proverbs 31 woman.

She is the epitome of biblical womanhood and reaching her level seems almost unattainable. How many of us actually like to wake up early in the morning? Or have every hour of our day filled with productive tasks? Becoming a woman like this may seem impossible but whether you skip this chapter of Proverbs intentionally or feel like you can't reach such a standard of perfection, there are some great lessons we need to learn before we marry someday.

1. Be a virtuous woman. The very first description we receive of the Proverbs 31 woman is that she is virtuous (has valor). Are you pursuing your education? Are you working a full-time job and saving your money? Are you ministering to small children at Sunday school or working with your church's youth group? God has given you strengths and gifts that you are using for His glory. You are a virtuous woman!

April 27, 2015

The Importance of Spiritual Mothers

When I was 18 years old, I lost my mother to breast cancer. Prior to the day her spirit left this earth, she had been my confidant, my role model, my best friend. Saying goodbye to her was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life.

Shortly after her death I became aware of this nagging void in my life, an urge to attach myself to any woman that could offer me anything remotely close to what I had with my mother. To be the recipient of the outpourings of someone's heart for years only to have it abruptly end one day can leave anyone quite bewildered.

Iron sharpening iron

During that season of my life, God connected me with a dear friend and mentor who was the faculty advisor for the campus ministry I was involved with. She was only ten years older than me, but she had a strong relationship with the Lord and a love for

April 13, 2015

Shades of Grey or NOT

Today many of us may ask ourselves who is the right one for me? Who has God chosen for me? How will I know if He is the one for me when there are so many options around me? Or maybe you have someone in mind, you would like to spend the rest of your life with and wonder if this is the man God had sent for you. The peer pressure of settling down when all your friends are living the dream you’ve always dreamed of is making you vulnerable and weak which urges you to find answers to these questions.

Sometimes the wait can be scary. The wait knowing you trust the Lord, but along with the fear of what if God trusts you more than you think He would by laying a difficult path ahead of you. Maybe a stretch of long singleness, or a marriage with someone who is difficult to live with, but making it work with the help of God to be a testimony one day. It is not wrong to think like that or feel that way. It is similar to you being in a situation where you are all by yourself waiting for a train. Yet for some unknown reason it’s delayed and taking longer than you expected . You are caught  wondering , why is it taking so long, panicking if you by any chance missed the train, or are in the wrong station. Eagerly and anxiously you are looking for someone in that station to answer your questions.

Then the station manager comes looking for any passengers for this train to inform them about the delay. His words that confirm the delay suddenly soothes you, it helps you even better when He assures you the train will be there, it’s just a matter of time. Oh! What a sigh of relief!

Similarly, today Gods promises come to you assuring you that He will bring the right guy to you. It’s just a matter of TIME. 
 May be you planned to be married to the guy who carried every attribute of your checklist or someone who could come close enough to make you compromise on a few of them. (My thought on checklist- DON’T HAVE ONE, because, Our checklist is nothing compared to God’s Checklist) And today , you may find yourself not exactly where you plan to be. In fact may you may be far from it. Truth is – you are exactly where you are supposed to be.   It is a grey phase that you are in right now. You are stuck between your dreams and the reality you are in now. And it all seems grey when you mix them up giving you a different perspective of the picture. 

We have to understand that God has it covered for you! It’s something so simple. He is the writer of your love story!  One which is already written . He knows you inside out, because He has created you. He knows you like hazelnut ice cream better than butter scotch. He knows you prefer caramelized popcorn over any other flavor of its kind, there is no doubt He will not  miss out on the guy who is right for you. Certainly not! He keeps in mind everything you dreamed of. 

He is the author, and  right now  the story is about you , it’s not time yet for the Prince to make his grand entry. 

Take for instance the fairy tales we watch or even your favorite romantic movie, the story starts to portray the Princess or the leading lady of the movie. What kind of woman is she? She is kind, loving, she likes to read a lot, or she likes to sing. She is living a difficult life but she still chooses happiness over her hopeless situation. It’s all about her.  Every trial she is put in, portrays a wonderful character trait about herself. 

To many of you today, I would like to encourage you to not give up on you happiness or lower your expectations by the standards of this world, but lift them up to God in prayer.  Remove the glasses of uncertainty and doubt and the persistent urge of trying to figure  God’s master plan for you , because the key lies in not trying to figure it out but to live your part of the story, and you will see it  with purpose, with full of possibilities to reflect who you are from where you are and that in turn will take you to where you want to be!
As rightly written in Kenny Damara’s Book Divided Desires, “ When a person is the friend of God, he knows God so well that the granting of the deepest desire of his heart , are not a matter of “hows , and buts , and ifs,” it’s just a matter of “when.”

But here is the good news, in God’s plan for you and for me,  there are no shades of grey. It is simple and clear, either black or white. Our God is an Absolute God.  He keeps it simple. Nowhere in the bible it is  written – “Figure it out” . Or solve it. He is simply asks you to trust Him , His plans for you . The promise of granting the desires of your heart. So don’t live in the shade of grey.  Define it, don’t let it define you. Don’t put your hopes in a “MAYBE-GUY” , put it in YES and AMEN.  I couldn’t less agree with what’s on your mind right now, it’s easier said than done.  Being God’s children, we know what to do, we have the answers, but the struggle is – how do we live by it. How to get out of the grey phase and feel right about being where we are right now? 

Would you take a moment now and think, who you are and what defines you?  If you are in your single phase, then you are in making of a masterpiece and God is shaping you and bringing out the best in you. If you were in your own movie He is making you look good to you audience right now. You are being prepared  to receive your promise, your blessing, your life partner. There also comes a part about the Prince or the guy who the leading lady is meant to be with.  His charming good  looks , his fighting and horse riding skills, and how he stands out from the rest or the guy from your favorite romantic movies , who is more than what he looks like . If only  we could see our lives like a movie! But that is where our faith is tested. How much do we trust our father in Heaven? How much do we trust Him to grant the desires of our heart? How much are we trying to get it ourselves or how much are we willing to wait to receive it from God and wait for His time? How much do you trust that God will bring Him to you? Just as God brought Rebekah to Isaac.

I know we all want answers, but then there won’t be a story worth telling! God will reveal it to you in your understanding, it won’t be a shade of grey then. It will be simple and clear.

To many of you today, I would like to encourage you to not give up on you happiness or lower your expectations by the standards of this world, but lift them up to God in prayer.  Remove the glasses of uncertainty and doubt and the persistent urge of trying to figure  God’s master plan for you , because the key lies in not trying to figure it out but to live your part of the story, and you will see it  with purpose, with full of possibilities to reflect who you are from where you are and that in turn will take you to where you want to be!

As rightly written in Kenny Damara’s Book Divided Desires, “ When a person is the friend of God, he knows God so well that the granting of the deepest desire of his heart , are not a matter of “hows , and buts , and ifs,” it’s just a matter of “when.”

Neeta loves the Lord and enjoys having  him as a best friend because it makes every experience her life worth cherishing!  She is a published writer of a book called, “Reflections of a Changed Life” published by OM Books.  Currently she works as a finance Analyst for Deloitte in India. She has a heart  for broken people and the brokenness they struggle with. Instagram | Email

March 30, 2015

Soul Mate Gibberish

Before we get into this, let’s just take a second to clarify the term soul mate so as to ensure that we’re all on the same page.

As I see it, there are two main ways we can use this term:
  • Option 1: Someone (a mate) you’ve grown to know and love on the soul level – which includes the mind, will, and emotions.

  • Option 2:  Someone (a mate) you feel was created specifically for you and vice versa.
If you’re someone who believes in option one, we’re totally tracking. After being in a relationship with someone for a while, it is not only possible but inevitable that your souls will become intertwined. In most cases that’s good. It’s something we should all hope for in friends and family, not just a spouse – though a spouse will likely know you more intimately than anyone else.

If you’re someone who believes in option two, I was right there with you for quite some time. But let me share with you a few things I’ve discovered since.

God is sovereign

The truth is, yes God does prepare someone for you, but it’s not like as He was forming you, He took a chunk of your soul and placed it in some guy and did the same for the guy so that neither of you would feel complete until you found your missing half. Free will knows no exception when it comes to the choices we make, including the realm of relationships, so it’s important for us to realize that God doesn’t make the choice for us. I mean think about it. Why would God give us the freedom to make every other decision in life but whom we should marry?

Instead, what’s really happening is that God – who knows what we’re thinking even before we think it – is working behind the scenes to work our decisions for our good. He sees what’s in our hearts, the kind of person we’ll be as Jesus continues the good work he started in us, and He knows who we will eventually choose as a spouse. In His sovereign wisdom He merely begins preparing you and your spouse for what only He knows will come.

Every step you take

When I married my husband I could have easily claimed that he was my soul mate. During our engagement phase, when we shared the visions God had given each of us for our individual lives, it was like his vision was filling in certain gaps in my vision and my vision was expanding the territory of his vision. It was literally a perfect overlap.

It’s easy for us as humans to just assume that relationships like this must mean that God ordained us to be together from the beginning of time, but that really is only demonstrating a limited understanding of who God is. Our God is so sovereign, so wise, so powerful, that He can take whatever choice we make and turn it into something that reaches far beyond our expectations. He's not limited by our decisions. 

To tell you the truth, when I first met my husband he wasn’t very serious about his relationship with God and I couldn’t have ever seen myself in a relationship with him. In fact, I avoided him for a number of years for that very reason. Years later, by the time God got finished working in both of us, we couldn’t see anything but how good we were for each other. That was no one but God.

With every step we take, He’s not only watching us, but He’s working all things together for our good.

The true lover of our souls

Some Sadducees once brought up a good point when they approached the good teacher to ask a very important question:

“If a woman marries and the husband dies and she marries each of the six brothers, which man’s wife will she be in heaven?”

Jesus of course had the easiest answer to ease their concerns, “None. She will be mine.”

Doesn’t that give you chills?

If there is any person in heaven or on earth that we can claim is our soul mate, it’s Jesus. Life on this earth is only preparation for the ultimate wedding day we’ll have with the King of all kings, the fairest of ten thousand. To give his title of soul mate to any one man honestly cheapens the reality that we are to be living in each day as a bride betrothed to another.

Now I’m speaking to you as someone who is married, so I can give a bit of perspective from the other side. No matter how deeply you love someone or how perfectly you feel they match your personality, likes and dislikes, or even your spirituality, they can never compare to the lover of your soul.

Throughout our lives God will connect us with numerous people that we will develop strong soul ties to, and for some of you that number may include a husband. God designed us this way, and it’s truly beautiful. As we choose to yield to the direction of the Holy Spirit He will do the work He does best: refining us and transforming us into a pure and spotless bride, so that one day we will finally meet our true soul mate, the one created for us from the beginning of time, and what an incredible day that will be.

Once again, if you're reading this post, I'd love to hear from you. What's your perspective on soul mates? Do you agree or disagree?

Until next time!

S'ambrosia is a published author and singer-songwriter with a heart to see God's people experience deep levels of intimacy with Him. She currently lives in Kenya with her husband where they are beginning a ministry called The Joshua Blueprint, which aims to come alongside existing children's homes to teach children various expressions of worship. 
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March 23, 2015

Seeking God In Singleness

For 2015, my one “word” is seeking.

There have been so many times lately when my life has felt at a crossroads and it has been in those times when I needed to hear what God would say.  But it hasn’t always been this way.

When I was in the 7th grade, I started reading romance novels getting so absorbed in the stories. I could live through the eyes of the female protagonists and fall in love over and over again. But the sad part would be when the character got her happily ever after and all I got was a finished book. I kept wondering when it was going to be my turn. When that turn seemed to take longer and longer, I decided to take my love life into my own hands and do something about my lack of romance.

About a year after I became a Christian, I met a guy. One thing led to another and before I knew it, I was head over heels in love for the first time. I wanted to be the one who would fill in all the broken places of his heart, who would get to walk down the isle with him and finally have my story book ending. My biggest mistake happened at the very beginning  even before we went out together on a spur-of-the-moment outing. It’s something that I think we could all look back and say, “Oh, I wish I’d done that too” because we’ve all dealt with heartache at least once in our lives and it’s this: